[b]Username:[/b] Chezka [b]Name:[/b] An'zu [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday/Zodiac:[/b] August 30 - Virgo [b]Allegiance:[/b] Other (eventually Sacred Blades) [b]Class:[/b] Archer -> Sniper [b]Weapons:[/b] Murasaki, a forged Killer Bow [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Appearance and Clothing] [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/PixivId23753566001281556_zpse931de12.jpg] [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b]The sass is strong in this one. An'zu is self-assured but laidback, and even though she tries to hide it, there's a certain sophistication in her movements and speech that hint at a noble upbringing. Due to years of being restricted, her pent-up desire for freedom have all but exploded into the surface. She has thus adopted a devil-may-care attitude toward life and is currently too easily swayed by her whims; An'zu basically does whatever she feels like doing, with little regard to what consequences that may yield. Naturally witty and good-humored, she also has a quip ready for everything, although whether it's jocular or snarky depends on the company and the circumstance. In general, humor is something of a defense mechanism for her, and she tends to brush off worries with a lighthearted flourish and hides her fears under mounds of jokes. Although she's usually frank and direct, when something genuinely upsets her, she closes herself off and raises her walls. She readily offers to help others in need, but when the tables turn, she believes she has to solve her problems on her own, lest she get too reliant on the kindness of others. Among friends, An'zu is playful and openly affectionate. She likes to tease the timid ones especially, often by encroaching on their personal boundaries to see how much they can take. [b]History: [/b]An'zu is the seventh child and only daughter of the Chonsinese royal family. She and her older brothers were trained in combat and politics practically as soon as they were born, and although she personally chose to forego the usual swordplay training (she felt like being a rebel), she was trained in archery. As a member of the royal family, she was expected to be well-versed in the ways of combat, to be able to rise to defend the land in the face of great dangers, like the great Say'ri did years ago. It wasn't until she turned sixteen that an entirely different responsibility was placed upon her. Ever since Walhart's conquest of Valm, the countries of Chon'sin and Rosanne had been at a constant state of disagreement that only intensified as years passed, eventually reaching a point where their citizens began to openly fight each other. It became a dangerous feud that cost lives. Both her parents and the duke and duchess of Rosanne wanted to restore the peace, but their initial attempts were resisted by their people. Too blinded by their loyalty for their land, neither party wanted to make amends unless the other formally begged for forgiveness. That was where An'zu came in. As a final resort, the two ruling families eventually thought to combine their families. If the Chon'sin's beloved princess were to marry the Duke's equally beloved son, their loyal citizens would then have to offer their begrudging support. They thought it would help put a cease to all the fighting, and could possibly even start strengthening the bond between them. For two years, An'zu and the Duke's son had to put up with the ruse and they toured the cities of both countries, pleading for peace. It worked for the most part, although the more radical citizens continue to wreak havoc. There was something about the idea of star-crossed lovers that appealed to the masses, and dissent amongst the people were gradually dying down, being replaced instead with the buzzing of gossip. An'zu had just turned eighteen when everything changed. It was the day of their wedding, the culmination of everything they worked for, when the radicals decided to take action. The day itself was a blur to her, and she remembered only the seconds before she was knocked out. When she came to, she was on a ship going to Ylisse, a small bag with her belongings and a note attached to it, signed by her betrothed. It turned out that the ones who kidnapped her were 'friends' who wanted to save her from a restricted life. Blinded by her desire to be free, An'zu easily accepted the tale fed to her, even though her instincts told her to do otherwise. It was the first time she traveled beyond Valm, and it thrilled her to see the different cultures. She is currently aimlessly traveling about Ylisse, trying to see as much of the world before she is forced to return to her home. Unbeknownst to her, her kidnapping had set alight to the feud between the two countries who blame each other for the incident. [b]Ability: [/b]She can charm her way out of things [b]Quirk: [/b]Selectively listens; unfamiliar with the current happenings outside Valm [b]Strengths: [/b] Lithe, deadly accurate, resourceful, unpredictable [b]Weaknesses: [/b] Too reckless, too stubborn to ask for help, can't take a lot of blows, her small stature generally means she's weaker than others, self-indulgent, no sense of direction [b]Likes: [/b] Jokes, snarky retorts, fun people, teasing people, sweets, learning about the different cultures outside of Chon'sin, reading [b]Dislikes: [/b] Bitter and sour food, uptight people with no sense of humor, being forced to speak formally, boredom, being reminded of her home and the responsibilities she's running away from [b]Other: [/b] "How about we do something fun?"