Here's my [s]evil overlord[/s] character again. [hider=Zayn]Username: Stranger Name: Zayn Age: 24 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: December 27, Capricorn Allegiance: Grimleal Class: Tactician -> Grandmaster Clothing: [url=]Stylish and imposing.[/url] Weapons: Steel Sword, Elthunder, Arcfire Appearance: [url=]Here.[/url] Personality: Zayn is the kind of person who knows what he wants and has no patience for anyone who stands in his way. Years of abuse have made him cold and cruel, and he will happily execute a disobedient subordinate just as soon as he would an enemy. He is very studious and dedicated, both to his craft and to Grima. While he does indeed serve as Tactician of the Grimleal, he despises evil and works to extinguish it. Ultimately, he desires more power above all other things, and will willingly sacrifice whatever he has to in order to achieve it. History: Zayn was born and raised in Ylisse. Born the son of a baker and a soldier, he learned discipline, patience, and strategy from a very young age. His parents raised him to be kind to others, noble in attitude, and caring to all around him, and for a time, that's just what he was. However, that soon changed when, just three days after his ninth birthday, his parents were both killed in a bandit raid. He eluded the bandits by hiding in a sack of flour, which was taken by the bandits back to their camp. He remained hidden until nightfall, tears streaming from his eyes at the death of his parents. Slowly, his grief was transformed into anger, and anger into hatred. These bandits had taken everything from him: his parents were dead, his home was burned to the ground, and he was now lost out here with these murderers. By the time the last bandit fell asleep, drunk off the wine they had pillaged, and Zayn emerged from his hiding place, the only emotion he had left to feel was cold, unbridled hatred. He crept through the camp, stole a dagger from the bandits, and slit the throats of each and every one of them. After gathering a few more supplies, he made his way back home. The events of that night would haunt his nightmares for many years to come. Still grieved by what had happened, Zayn sought solace in the Temple of Naga, studying the teachings and history of Naga and her champions. One day, he witnessed a very greedy and corrupt priest selling "blessings" and "holy relics" to the weak and the desperate who came to him. At the sight of this, Zayn's hatred suddenly surged within him, and before he knew what he was doing, he had stabbed the priest through the heart. As the alarm was raised, he fled with all his might. Upon finally reaching the forests, he stopped to consider what had happened. He had just killed a corrupt priest, yet somehow, he felt strangely... good about it. He felt that, horrible as the act had been, the removal of this man's presence would help to cleanse the temple of corruption, and by that measure, the whole world. Zayn soon began to consider that, throughout the world, people just like him were being abused, victimized, and taken advantage of, and that was just not fair. He wanted to do something about that, something that would cleanse all the world's impurities and create a shining utopia. And he knew just how to do it. He had learned of Grima and his overwhelming power during his studies at the Temple. If he could harness that kind of power, he could wipe all corruption from the face of the planet. So resolved, he snuck aboard a boat and set out for Plegia. Now, 13 years later, he has committed many atrocities in the name of Grima. Slowly, over time, his misguided sense of justice has become as twisted and corrupt as he is. He now believes that [i]all[/i] humans are evil, and that only by cleansing the entire world of them can he finally create a perfect utopia. He has quickly risen through the ranks of the Grimleal, and now stands within view of the highest seat of power: the King of Plegia. Slowly but surely, he is setting into motion a plan to usurp the throne for himself, and bring Grima back into the world. Ability: Skilled in swordplay and magic, but focuses more on the sword. Quirk: Despite trying to eradicate all of humanity, Zayn is actually a great baker. Strengths: Master manipulator, clever tactician, is famous for being prepared. Weaknesses: Distrusts everyone, is mentally unstable, prone to violence. Likes: Power, authority, skilled swordsmanship, lavender, tea, winter, night, the moon. Dislikes: Weakness, kissing up, humanity, the Grimleal (none of them know of his true intentions) Other: "Humans are so wretched."[/hider]