[hider=Sapphire] Username: Pandah Name: Sapphire Age: 21 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: September 4th - Virgo Allegiance: Sacred Blades Class: Lord -> Great Lord Clothing: [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119134357/fireemblem/images/f/ff/Hero_female_1.jpg] Weapons: Silver Sword, Rapier Appearance: [img=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/PlcfhDCHxphnsz6ytXnuo2R24I1y5T4sD157D8AHrR8=w198-h180-no] [i]A petite 5'6" and 125 lbs. She likes to keep her hair either down, in ponytails, or in buns.[/I] Personality: Sapphire is a talkative person who likes to be around people, she gets lost in her own thoughts quite often with a wild imagination, very friendly towards almost anyone she meets. She's almost always energetic and in a good mood. She enjoys keeping her belongings organized in a variety of ways and loves dozing off outside, rain or shine. Sapphire is always ready and always happy to help and always one of the last people to give up easily. She can sometimes cause mischief when compelled to and can be very curious at times, although this can sometimes put her in some serious trouble more often than not. History: Sapphire lived as a noble growing up in Ylisse, with her mother, father, and older sister, Ruby. To her, life was mundane and repetitive. Everything was practically given to her. Yet, Sapphire enjoyed to be with people of lower rankings and spent most of her time with "commoners" (she called everyone her friend instead). Ruby, however, didn't approve of her younger sister spending an ambiguous amount of time with common folk and often reported the girl to their parents, but Sapphire wasn't affected and continued to steadily revert to her ways. Though it sometimes put her in a lot of trouble (like missing a ball or two), the girl couldn't stay away from all her fiends. It was certainly much more entertaining than a lifeless ball filled with rather dull people. Sapphire was so unlike her sister in so many ways that it caused serious tension. One day, she unfortunately happened to intrude on one of Ruby's offerings to Grima. Disturbed, the girl almost had her mind set on revealing her sister's true nature, but their sisterly truce came up and stopped her yet still bothered her deeply. Since the rest of the family was loyal to Naga, Ruby knew she must flee or face death, trusting even less in her sister not to say anything. After her elder sister left, Sapphire, later seeing through her lies, has left home, without informing her parents, and has been trained to fight with swords by one of her villager friends prior to joining the Sacred Blades. She's determined to find Ruby and the other Grimleal she's managed to gather and, sadly, end it all before the situation becomes pernicious. So far, things are usually peaceful but Sapphire is always preparing for whenever she must face her sister and everyday she's dreading it. Ability: Paying close attention to the details. Quirk: Likes to arrange weapons in alphabetical order constantly every few days, changing how they're arranged every time. Strengths: Optimistic, listens well, diligent. Weaknesses: Naïve, overreacts, is sometimes indecisive. Likes: Organizing, talking to others, napping, rain, people, flowers, jokes, laughing, sweet food, and exploring. Dislikes: Being yelled at, negativity, when people are too serious, when things go awry, and being put down. Other: "Don't miss, don't miss! [/hider] [hider=Supports] • Noelle - C • Vincent - C • Piers - C [/hider]