[hider=Ruby] Username: Pandah Name: Ruby Age: 24 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: May 25th - Gemini Allegiance: Grimleal Class: Myrmidon -> Swordmaster Clothing: [img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/4ec8edee4cd0aef283e1834b618c1707/tumblr_mh95smSXD81rdr0hxo1_500.jpg] Weapons: Armor Slayer, Killing Edge Appearance: [img=http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20131108/women%20dress%20flowers%20long%20hair%20pink%20hair%20black%20dress%20pink%20eyes%20choker%20redjuice%20anime%20girls%20detached%20sleeves%20guilty%20crown%20nail%20polish%20yuzuriha%20inori%20bare%20shoulders_wallpaperswa.com_60.jpg] [i]A lanky 5'8" and 138 lbs. Likes to keep her hair down, in buns, or in double buns.[/i] Personality: Ruby is a self-centered person who loves to be praised and thought highly of. She also has a thirst for power, known to a minority, thus making her one who wishes to control all things. She enjoys making jokes at the worst of times, making a few people learn to dislike her, and loves to deceive others. Yet, to most, she acts as a desirable and important figure. She collects clothing from everywhere she goes and has more clothing than most others have in their lifetimes. She dislikes the common people, the very low classes, and will not hesitate to speak bad of them in their presence.  History: Ruby enjoyed her luxurious life as she grew up with her family in Ylisse. Her self-absorbed demeanor was a perfect fit for her nobility. She thought that her Sapphire's daily actions were inappropriate for someone with such high standings. It disgusted her. She'd constantly announce to her parents about the acts of her frivolous sister, especially when she did so amidst important events and gatherings in order to embarrass. Ruby enjoyed doing this so much, it became second-nature. She did so even when Sapphire was innocent, making up lies in order to be trusted just so she could have the satisfaction of being authoritative.  She is loyal to the Fell Dragon himself, Grima and is a full fledged Grimleal, always seeking for more and more power. Her ever so annoying younger sister just had to intrude on one of her sacred offerings to Grima. Ruby was certain that Sapphire would inform her parents about her actions and everyday grew anxious about when they'd confront her about the situation even though she brought up this "truce" they made when they were much younger. Of course, Ruby's worthless family had to br strong believers of Naga and, doubting her sister could keep her mouth shut, she fled home to find others who piqued her interests. She soon found such a group and joined them to make her wildest dream come true. To resurrect the great Grima once more in order to gain limitless power. Ruby knows her sister is looking for her and is ready to put the foolish girl down anytime. Ability: Skilled in deceipt. Quirk: Best at making funny jokes. Strengths: Has perseverance, alert, efficient.  Weaknesses: Hotheaded, stuck up, sometimes thinks before acting, doesn't trust easily. Likes: Pacing, plotting, clothing, staring at the moon, nighttime, heat, and sweet food. Dislikes: Naga, villagers, dirt, insects, her sister, and people who give up before trying. Other: "Until the end." [/hider] [hider=Supports] • Liam - C [/hider]