Username: Demous Name: Sayuri Age: 18 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: 4/9 Aries Allegiance: Other Class: Myrmidon -> Swordmaster Clothing: [hider=clothes][img=] except sleevelss and red in color. she is also wearing black pants and black boots. The gloves are also replaced with damaged cloth bandages covering her lower arm and hands leaving her fingers exposed.[/hider] Weapons: Killing Edge Appearance: [url=]Like this[/url] except her hair is down and is waist-length. She's 5'10". Personality: She is extremely laid back and carefree nearly all the time. Though she does get serious about particular things. the main thing she is serious about is protecting those she cares about. She is also extremely difficult to anger though once she has been angered it is difficult to calm her down. It is also difficult to become one of her friends as she has trouble putter trust in people. History: She was born in Valm while her parents were one a merchant convoy there. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother was a permanent guard for the convoy. She lived a fairly normal life for a child in a convoy. Once she was old enough she did odd jobs to help the other members and was trained to fight by her mother. She spent a considerable amount of time training her sword skills quickly becoming one of the best young fighters in the convoy. She considers herself a Resident of Ferox where they stayed when not out on a route. Her mother was originally from Chou'sin so she naturally taught a similar style. While living in the convoy Sayuri found many books and read them out of boredom which started her love of stories. She lived a fairly uneventful life until one day tragedy struck. On her 16th birthday the convoy was ambushed by a large group of brigands and bandits. during the attack almost every other member of the convoy was slaughter but her and two others. She got away with only 3 items: Her favorite book, her sword, and her father's heirloom sword. Soon after she went off to become a wandering swordsman doing odd jobs when needed. over the next couple years many things happened to her. She grew to be a great swordsman, she gained a small collection of rare books, and her fathers heirloom was stolen by and unknown thief. Most recently after hearing rumors of a new group of strong warriors she has begun journeying to meet them. Ability: She is a quick learner and is a great actor. Quirk: She spends much of her spare time reading and training. Is homosexual. Strengths: Excellent sword skills, acrobatic, and easily keeps secrets. Weaknesses: She is difficult to calm down, tends to be a lone wolf, and is prone to be absorbed in her books. Likes: Fiction books, cats, birds, seafood, cool days, and good fights. Dislikes: History books, dogs, most vegetables, hot days, easy fights, and stupid people. Other: "Can you follow my blade?" She has 2 pet crows named Tsugi(F) and Kage(M).