Gran almost jumped when Vincent stabbed his weapon into his coat, causing a tear to form in the cloak. He dropped his apple onto the ground, and watched as it rolled a few feet away from him before stopping. Gran turned in annoyance to the man who had stabbed his coat, and saw that it was Vincent who was talking to him. He scowled in annoyance, as Vincent asked him if he was in the Blades or not. He stared at his reflection on the sword for a few seconds before turning his head back to the man.

"I'm surprised you don't know who I am... Then again, there are a few others who are mages like me," Gran grumbled to Vincent. "I'm Gran, you know the mage who has been burning half of the bandits who have been trying to separate or heads from our necks?" He sighed, before getting another apple from his bag, offering it to the man. "Here bud, you want one," Gran asked, smiling to the man.

"Guess its kind of understandable since I'm on the backlines, casting spells and what not... Anyways, could you please remove the blade from my cloak already, uhm..." The man stared at the blade as it stayed firmly placed into the ground. The man looked intently focused on something, before snapping his fingers. "Vincent, yeah, that's your name if I remembered properly..."

He rocked forward a bit, uncaring that his cloak tore a little bit more. He was staring intently at something in the sky, but what was it? There was barely a cloud or bird in sight... "Say, don't you think you were a little bit harsh on us back there? We didn't know your intentions, and suddenly you explode at us, and run off with.... That guy... Where is the bugger anyways?"