Nyima took a step back as he looked around the corner, peering around it herself. She pursed her lips when saw Mizuki and her brother walk to the house. She looked at him and crossed her arms as he mentioned that they would not be able to follow. She sighed, knowing full well that they couldn't. She made a face at the mention of wearing masks, "I hate those things... No better way of saying hey, look I'm suspicious, if you ask me." She leaned back against the wall and looked at the house, "Matsen... He isn't the best. But he is good. Zhou knows how to deal with benders. Him being a water bender might through him off... And if we send in a non-bender... well they'd be toast." She looked back at Rayn, "I'd trust him to keep up with them and bring back decent enough information on what you are doing... Then we could follow behind and wait for our chance to deal with her and the Avatar." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zenji looked over to the door as the two people on the other side introduced themselves. She walked over to the door and stood behind Masuto's shoulder, "Not friends, I assume..." She looked up at them as it seemed the two of them were willing to and would be joining them on their adventure to make Masuto the Avatar. She smiled, "Well, aren't you two... jolly. I'm Zenji. I'm going to teach Masuto Airbending... to the best of my ability." She looked at Masuto and smiled at him, "It seems to me that the people are flocking to help you. She looked at Kuei, "He might have a bit more of a load to carry now."