[b]The New 52 Ultra-Verse: Legacy of the Supers[/b] [IMG]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/074/b/4/Marvel_vs_DC_Coloured_by_kameleon84.jpg[/IMG] [i]Greetings, true believers! Welcome to Earth-1212, the newest area in the multiverse! Within this world are tales of sinister super villains and daring do-gooders, each one building up upon the last. There's explosions, fighting, romance, drama, and enough super powers to make Stan Lee wet himself! To set the scene, there has been a massive break-out at two of the highest held Super Villain incarnation Institutes, the "Treskelion" in New York City, and "Arkham Asylum" located in Gotham City. At the Treskelion, all kinds of dangerous super criminals have managed to escape in the ensuing chaos that followed a large explosion. Later that day, a group of menaces assaulted Arkham and released all the patients into the defenceless city. With all these villains running around and causing a stink, who will be there to protect the innocent? That's where YOU come in, True Believers! Don a mask, a cape, or a suspicious looking artifact and become a legend in your own right! Become a Heroic Hero, a Vile Villain, or a Dark Defender who works outside the law, the choice is yours! Take up the mantle of a legendary hero/heroine, begin a whole new identity, or start the legacy all over again in this universe, but hurry! The world needs your help, so get to it! Excelsior![/i] So basically, this is a Free-Form superhero RP set in our own universe, Earth-1212. You can be a Hero, Villain, or somebody who Walks the Line (think Punisher or Batman), its up to you. The idea of this is to just create stories and had fun with this world. You can join a team, work alone, or even get involved in somebody else's storyline, the choice is once again yours! With a world full of superheroes and villains, there is so much potential. However, before you can jump into the action contained within this RP, lets go over a few details that you should know! [B]RULES:[/B] [B]1.[/B] No GMing. We don't want any Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues [B]2.[/B] Maximum of 3 Active Characters per person. Any more needs approval by a GM [B]3.[/B] Characters can and WILL die, but please ASK somebody before you attempt to kill their character rather then just say "Your guy is dead." [B]4.[/B] Keep it PG-13!! Romance and Lovey-Dovey stuff is fine, as well as the occasional innuendo, but take smut scenes to PM, please. Also, violence is allowed, but please don't rip out a guys entrails and hold them above his head while he slowly dies. We're not monsters (well, not all of us) [B]5.[/B] Some scenes will be time skipped if they drag on too long/get too boring, but most of the time we will RP things through. [B]6.[/B] Each member of the RP, regardless of their super orientation (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line) will participate in the final parts of the chapter to wrap of events and tie into a greater story. [B]7.[/B] Your character cannot have any GM abilities. [B]8.[/B] Post at least a paragraph each time (more is fantastic) [B]9.[/B] GM posts will be announced (these include plot movers, special events or even the death/introduction of a new character) [B]10.[/B] If you got this far, here's a cookie *hands cookie* [B]11.[/B] Please make PvP combat fair. It really sucks when somebody unleashes their ultimate power and freezes the other person's foot to the floor, then proceed to just punch the crap out of their immobile opponent. In addition, GM moves will NOT be allowed inside PvP combat unless approved/announced in a GM event. [B]12.[/B] Enjoy the RP to the best of your ability!! So now that you've read the rules, here's the CS: [B]Character You Would Like to Play: [/B] (Superhero Name) [B]Real Name:[/B] (Either OC Name or Canon Name) [B]Canon or OC:[/B] [B]Character Alignment (Hero, Villain, or Walking the Line): [/B] Hero [B]Appearance/Costume:[/B] (Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like. Include both Costumed and Non-Costumed) [B]Origin/History of Your Character:[/B] [B]Powers and Abilities (If Any):[/B] [B]Weapons (If Any)[/B] [B]Supporting Cast (If Any):[/B] [B]Other:[/B] [B]Sample Post (must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs with at least 2 lines of dialogue from your character):[/B] Have fun and don't forget to respect each other!! Ask me if you have any questions you'd like to try and answer and I'll hopefully be able to help out!! ^^