Gavin had been sitting with his feet propped upon his desk, his coffee placed just off his lips as his peered over the mug’s rim at the computer screen. Ride the Lightning by an ancient band named Metallica, was playing softly from the speakers as Gavin reviewed the notes left by his predecessor from Second Shift, Dr. Tian Xing. When the sound of the lab’s door actuating broke his concentration, Gavin’s feet fell roughly from the desk, and he turned towards the entrance with a peeved scowl. When he saw that it was Abby Larson entering the lab, his expression shifted instantly to a genuine smile, and he pulled the reading glasses from his nose. The smile only grew in breadth as he listened to the blond MP issue her preamble, and offer the plate of goodies as collateral for some coffee. “I think it is a fine morning, even with all things considered,” Gavin stood with a light chuckle. He walked towards Abby, and popped one of the Brazil nuts into his mouth as he continued passed her. “Humanity still persists, even in spite of our own pariahs, and I’ve been granted a visit by a dear friend. So, in my estimation, it is indeed a good morning.” Gavin stopped before the kitchenette to retrieve a second mug, and pour a generous helping of coffee for Abby. He handed the mug to her, trading it for the plate of nuts and fruit. The plate was set on a nearby countertop, and Gavin pulled up two rolling chairs so the two could share in the bounty. Waiting for Abby to take a seat first, Gavin sat and treated himself to another helping of fruit. “Delicious, and thank you,” he said with a satisfied grin. His blue eyes regarded Abby, and they twinkled beneath the artificial glow of the LED’s. “Now, as to just how [i]pissed[/i] I am with you, I will answer that with a surprised admonition. I am truly hurt that you would think I would be irritated with you when you were simply doing your duty, especially when presented such a question in the midst of all of Third Shift.” Gavin gave Abby an exaggerated sigh of disappointment before returning to his familiar smile. “In truth, I should be asking for your forgiveness. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that in the first instance.” He leaned forward. “Though, in all seriousness Abby, I think my question, ill-timed as it may have been, is relevant.” For a moment, Gavin’s mouth formed a thin line, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “I would like to review the autopsy of the victims, Abby. I’m assuming that Dr. Xing performed the procedure?”