Oh, this was a wonderful human! Mowzer purred louder than ever, pushing his head up against the female Human's hand, encouraging her to scritch his chin and behind his ears, rubbing against her leg all the while. A wonderful human indeed, understanding just what he needed, unlike [i]some[/i] humans right now. He shot a smug glance over at his Human, hoping he was paying attention. [i]This[/i] was how you made Mowzer a happy cat, something his Human seemed to have forgotten. Unless this was his Human's way of a peace offering? That thought gave Mowzer pause, eyeing his human one more time as he spoke with the wonderful one. Maybe... maybe... But that would not be enough right now. Not after all he had done before. It would take at [i]least[/i] another few minutes of these scritches before he could start to forgive his human. At least! Offering another sidelong glance at his Human, Mowzer shrugged him off for now, pressing his head against the wonderful one's hand yet again. ~-~ Antoine chuckled softly at the sight, simply watching as Ms. Albright melted over Mowzer. It was a sight begging for a camera, for pencils and paper, for brushes and an easel- for [i]something[/i] that would allow one to capture the warmth of her features in more than just memory. He had none of the above, and little skill to use them if he had, so memory would have to do, Antoine simply watching for a spell. Definitely worth Mowzer being spoiled for a little bit. "Indeed," His own smile widened as he spoke. "There are a few I know of, early models..." Should he say... "...I didn't expect Mowzer to get one all to himself, but I suppose I shouldn't underestimate him." Antoine grinned, choosing to gloss over the original purpose of those beds. Cryo-sleep had to have been tested, of course, all the theory and calculation one could do would never be enough to simply claim it was safe for humans. But given the love Ms. Albright showered on Mowzer -likely not limited to cats alone- [i]and[/i] the news everyone had only just learned, it seemed a little... inappropriate, to mention something like that. Besides, he had only seen the prototype beds in passing, the study nearing completion as he had joined another. The beds were known to be safely functional by the time he was learning to operate and maintain their software, and he really couldn't claim passing conversation with his doctors as hard evidence, now could he? "He had a quick check when he first woke up." Crouching somewhat, Antoine offered his hand to Mowzer as well, receiving a playful bat from the cat and nothing more. Well, it wasn't claws, so maybe his pet had been mollified somewhat. "Made sure nothing had been damaged in the sleep, but nothing more." "Given how much he likes you though, he might sit still long enough for a full examination. Just watch trying to pick him up, he [i]really[/i] doesn't like that."