Character's username/what they go by: Ace Real name: Anna Byland Age: 15 Gender: Female Skills: (Three to four, the skills they focus most on. No special abilities such as dual wielding): Musical Instrument, One-Handed Straight Sword, Sprint, Slash Weapon Forging Picture: (anime) [img][/img] Weapon: (No pulling weapons that look suspiciously like Kirito's or Asuna's) Refer to gear picture Gear: (Description or picture. Put stats if you like.) [img=] Short bio: Anna was a nerdy kid growing up. Not the Star Trek or Doctor Who kind of nerd, but the kind of nerd that actually did her homework and was good at it. She was in the school band and played the harp, but she wasn't very good at it. Her dad came from a poor background and Mother Dearest was never around. Anna had a lack of friends but in fourth grade she met a boy named Nick and they became good friends. Over the years she fell in love with him but never got the guts to tell him how she really felt. After a lot of bribing, Nick convinced Anna to buy Sword Art Online and NerveGear so they could play together, but when she logged on, she couldn't find Nick anywhere. Personality in the game: To be revealed in RP :) Personality in real life: Shy and quiet around others, but if you question her right to an opinion, she will slap you. Around Nick she is loud and happy. Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: Things would be a lot better if she could just find Nick. Probably going to die night one.