[here's my character, sorry it took so long] Character You Would Like to Play: Legacy Real Name: John Parson Canon or OC: Canon if you consider the Sentinels of The Multiverse part of a universe. Character Alignment (Hero, Villain, or Walking the Line): Hero Appearance/Costume: [hider=costumed look][img]http://sentinelsofthemultiverse.com/sites/default/files/cards/images/Legacy_0.png[/img][/hider] When he is not in his costume he dresses in average clothes like basic brown work pants, black shoes, a white shirt and tie. He is very humble looking appearance and wears a fedora-hat to make himself not appear to be a strong super powered being. Origin/History of Your Character: John Parson was born to a family with a long history of heroics and he was destined to take on the mantle of Legacy, which was a tradition that had been in their family for many years. Ever since his ancestor Joseph Parson had developed an early warning danger sense which led him to warn Paul Revere of the coming British invaders and the start of the revolutionary war, the children of the Parson family had inherited the powers of their parents and developed a new one. His family had moved to Chicago Illinois when his mother was pregnant with him, his father thought that the city would be a good place for John to learn what it meant to be in touch with the different people who made up most of the America population. At the age of thirteen, John had developed the ability to fire blasts of concussive energy from his hands and he hoped that when he was old enough he would become one of the greatest superheroes that the world had ever seen. Upon turning eighteen he took on the mantle of Legacy, becoming America’s pride and joy that fights for the common man. He has been fighting for justice and freedom of others for many years. John like with all the previous heroes in his family was a patriot who loved his country and was proud to be an American. His battles with the super villain underworld have become a part of many famous stories of his heroics. But his life wasn’t free of tragedy. His father, the previous Legacy had met his death at the hands of the twisted criminal communist warlord General Red Fury. John was grief-stricken at the loss of his father and swore to honor his memory by bringing in terrible criminals like General Red Fury. He still is trying to bring in the cruel warlord and has fought many dangerous villains who seek to turn his home into their own personal playground. Powers and Abilities (If Any): Superhuman strength Supersonic flight Superhuman durability Superhuman senses Danger sense: this ability allows him to sense immanent danger from a good distance away. Star Force: it is a power that gives him the ability to shoot balls of white concussive energy from his hands. Weapons: none Supporting Cast (If Any): none Other: Sample Post: Legacy flew above the city streets of Chicago; his super hearing had picked up the distress call of the police. His incredible flight speed soon brought him to a building that was surrounded by police cruisers and he landed right beside the chief of police, making the ground shake from the impact. The several of the policemen looked at him, some were relieved to see their cities greatest hero arrive. “Legacy, I am so glad that you are here” the chief of police said in a relieved voice. “What is the problem Chief?” “The building has been broken into by armed thugs and they have taken several people hostage” the man explained, but just then gunshots were heard from the windows of the building and bullets began to fly in the polices’ direction. Legacy quickly pushed the chief of police onto the ground as a bullet flew by the place where the man was standing about a second ago. Legacy had saved the man’s life, and he knew that if the police tried to breach the building then there would be a massacre and a lot of people of would die. Several bullets hit him and simply bounced off of his body, he barely even felt their contact with his skin. He looked at the chief and replied, “You and your men stay here and catch any criminal that tries to flee from the building, I’ll deal with rescuing the hostages.” “You better do it quickly, once they know that you are here they might start killing the hostages if you try to stop them” the man told him, and Legacy nodded understanding the seriousness of the situation. He looked at the windows where the criminals were shooting from and then looked back at the police chief, “I will be as quick as possible.” And with no further words Legacy took off from the ground and flew straight for the building. Although he had several powers, X-ray vision wasn’t one of them so he was flying into the building without truly knowing what to expect inside which was why he had to act as quickly as possible otherwise the criminals might start killing the hostages. He moved as fast as lightning through the building, taking down armed thugs as quick as possible. He would not allow such villainy to force their will on the innocent; he would fight for the helpless, which was what he was doing now.