[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/079/e/d/kagepro___no_7_by_parrareru-d7awbzk.png[/img] Character's username/what they go by: Edge Real name: Aiden Rose Age: 16 Gender: Male Skills: Sprint, Battle Heal, One-Handed Rapier, Unarmed Weapon: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/064/b/8/witch_hunters_rapier_by_dragonarmoury-d5x2ujz.jpg[/img] [hider=Gear][img]http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/3/3d/%22Ranger_M_Norn%22_concept_art.jpg/633px-%22Ranger_M_Norn%22_concept_art.jpg[/img] +6 Speed (upgradeable) +2 Defense (upgradeable)[/hider] Short bio: Aiden lived a small portion of his life in Turkey. After the age of 8, his parents moved to the UK where he continued his education. His parents had given him the habit of reading, starting off his French educations with books like [i]Essais[/i], [i]Les Misérables[/i], Moliére… Though he had little to no experience with gaming. He started playing games rather secretly during the last few years. One of his friends had gotten the Nerve Gear and let him try out the new game. They were going to play it turn by turn but Aiden never seemed to get out. The reason was explained during a TV broadcast... Personality in the game: In-game, he acts quite similarly to the way he does in real life. Personality in real life: Aiden's a rather outgoing and kind boy who always tries to make a good first impression. He’s uncannily intelligent and quick witted, which is mainly the reason he spends most of his time in class drawing. Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: During his first day, what he thought was that most of the idiots there were probably going to die on the first night. He’s bothered by the happening greatly but he’s level headed(hehe pun) enough to understand stressing out wasn’t going to help anything.