Character's username/what they go by: Erios Real name: Erin Oswald Age: 16 Gender: Female Skills: Hiding, Searching, Sprint, One Handed Dagger Picture: [hider=Erin Oswald] [img][/img] [/hider] Weapon: [hider=Dagger] [img][/img] [/hider] Gear: Basic armor, as shown in the picture. Short bio: Erin grew up in the US, and was one of the few people in the country that got a hold of Sword Art Online. She was adopted into a family at the age of 3, abused by her adopted father until he died of an overdose when she was 13. She has permanent bruises, which are hidden by her armor in game, as Kiyaba Akihiko brought the player's full appearance into the game. Erin was never really into video games until her friend Mason got her to try SAO when he bought a copy for both of them. Mason was one of the first people to die among the hundreds of people who lost their lives in the game. Erin was left on her own and she remains in the safety of the towns and cities. Instead of becoming a fighter, she trained herself to be able to run from the dangers. Personality in the game: Erin is timid and shy, not very self confident. She often is tossed around because of the fact that she won't fight back. At the beginning of the game, she was confident that she was probably going to die in the first night. Personality in real life: Erin's real life personality translates directly into her game personality. Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: Erin believes that it's horrible that everyone was trapped in the game, but she knows there is nothing she can do about it. She resorts to hiding from the monsters instead of growing to be a strong fighter.