[quote=Cyclone] Blowing up their entire continent? Ludicrous, even by the standards of keepers. Atomic bombs would be considered grotesquely overpowered in this sort of RP, and they leveled cities. Incinerating an entire continent is magnitudes worse.I'm not trying to stomp all over your fun or needlessly impede character development, but this RP just becomes literally pointless when that sort of power gets thrown about. If Shaige could just wave a hand and destroy the entire forest, then snap a finger and turn Paterdomus into a mountain of rubble, then there wouldn't be much of a story.I could try to help if you give me some basic information about the elementals. Tomorrow I expect to have a decent respite, so we could exchange a few PMs. [/quote] Who says it is instant? It took Emily half an hour to make a rune big enough to swallow the Warlord comfortably. So it might take as much as six months to make one large enough for the continent. Plus, doesn't have to be all in one explosion. Could break off bits at a time.