Character's username/what they go by: Genji Real name: Damian Jameson Age: 20 Gender: Male Skills: *One-Handed Assault Spear, *Heavyweight Shield Equipment, *Heavyweight Metal Equipment, *Battle Healing Picture: I am not a Satyr though. [img][/img] Weapon: Refer To Picture Gear: Refer To Picture Short bio: Damian lived a rough sort of childhood. First of all, he's always been a small kid, plus he was always accompanied by boundless energy, so the kids thought he was weird and often avoided him. It didnt get that bad until Middle School where kids started to group up into cliques and began to shun each other to maintain the social order. He hated the things were and the way he was treated, so would do his best shutting out everything else. He was able to seperate the despair he held in one half of himself, and for moments could completely forget the feelings that weighed him down, but they'd always be waiting for him again. He found his favorite escape in the world of books, and by extension video games. His love of the detailed lore and the ability to create a new self in a VR-MMO is what drew him to SAO. When the day finally drew near he was one of the people who went home and logged on immediately ready to play SAO. Personality in the game: He embraces his new life in the game strongly and looks at it as a new start for him. He is a very outgoing person in the game always ready to check out a new dungeon or participate in live events. He is very friendly in the game and fiercely protective of his friends. Suiting his new found role as a Tank. He can be a bit headstrong and very impatient as well. Personality in real life: A kid who feels like life is the worst. He isn't very sociable and would always worried of what people would think of him or do to him. But once friends with him he could be a bit obnoxious and overly excited. He was very good at shutting out the feelings of his depression, if only for a short time. Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: At first he was actually petrified, thinking that he was probably going to die the first night, but only moments passed before he began to grow excited. As someone who doesn't enjoy their life and has always been enamored by the fantasy worlds of books and games, it was almost a dream come true.