Tirian watched the cold elf try her best to strike the pole, and to no avail she continued to fail in the most humorous fashion. Tirian picked up a horseshoe and quickly threw the hunk of metal perfectly into the pole. The horseshoe twisted around the pole until falling down to the ground, an easy three points according to the rules. Tirian then turned a smug look over to Aaerynn, his look said nothing more than mockery in the very same fashion as she had done during their first encounter. All that coldness and all that hatred, it somewhat disgusted Tirian. Those emotions were all too similar to his father, Tirian turned away from Aaerynn almost unable to bare the sight of her angered face. “Aren’t Wood Elves supposed to be keen on this sort of thing? You can strike a log moving with ease. Yet you can’t hit a stationary pole. Try throwing it under hand instead.” Tirian walked away from the elf and effectively cut off any sort conversation between them. Tirian walked over towards the supremely drunken Rudolf and simply watched the rest of the group. His eyes fell to a certain Syndarean working her heart out over a pot. She had no combat experience but the girl sure could cook a meal that would fill you for an entire day. After sometime Serna began to dispense the bowls among the group, one by one giving each of them a flower. Finally she stood before Tirian and Rudolf handing them each a bowl and a flower. The red-haired man took in the flower and quickly noticed it was not the same anyone else had gotten. Tirian smiled warmly at the words, so genuine and sincere in tone. “Thank you Serna. May your worries fade and may your brother grow into a powerful warrior.” Tirian turned to Rudolf who devoured the bowl in a giant gulp. The warrior of Durandal simply shook his head. Something had to be done about this publicly drunken dwarf! “Time for bed Rudolf, you’ve had too much to drink!” The dwarf quickly turned to Tirian with eyes of shock and disbelief. “No, no my boy! Things are just getting interesting!” Tirian shook his head quickly and picked Rudolf up and stowed him underneath his right arm. The dwarf immediately began to fight back struggling with all his drunken might to break the grip, but Tirian held strong and carried the dwarf like a child over to the carts where Rudolf always slept. “Unhand me you red-haired beast! I’ll have your head! Put me down this instant! Wait! You forgot me mead! Fetch me mead or you shall pay!” Tirian smiled at the threats knowing Rudolf all too well. By the time he’d reach the carts the dwarf had fallen into a drunken slumber accompanied by loud snores and mumbled threats. Tirian covered the dwarf quickly, before turning back towards the camp. Setna had finally come out of that comatose state and had joined Serna in the game of horseshoes. Tirian took a place next to the twins and gently patted the boy's back with a forced smile of sorts. "It gets better over time."