Sorry for taking so long to write my app! D: Character's username/what they go by: Pipit Real name: Rhett Allen Age: 21 Gender: Male Skills: (Three to four, the skills they focus most on. No special abilities such as dual wielding): One-handed Straight Sword, Light Metal Equipment, Familiar Recovery, Familiar Communication Picture: [img=] Beast Companion: [img=] Obviously he isn't going to be this big when we start. It's hard to find good pictures ok? xD. The amount of Game of Thrones pictures..anyways. I'd just imagine him maybe just knee height, and not ride able Weapon: Refer to picture Gear: Refer to Picture Short bio: As a young man living on his own the average grind at work and college classes were taking their toll on Rhett. He had been a gamer ever since he could remember so gaming was his safe haven, so to speak. But when he was growing up he was limited to what games he could play and for how long he could play them. And he had to balance a social life on top of that, but that's not that important right? Anyways, when Rhett graduated High school he set out to live on his own. He was old enough and he was determined to live by his own rules. So as the summer drew to a close Rhett found himself a nice apartment where he could be himself. Now he has been living in this apartment for about two years now, and still gaming at least a good ten hours a day. Rhett is one to love animals as well, specifically dogs...he isn't a cat person at all. Even though he was on his own he still couldn't get a dog though, the apartment complex didn't allow pets. But one day! But that's a little off topic. As Rhett's year of college came to a close he started to hear word of a new virtual reality game that was supposedly up and coming. Rhett did his research and found out about the game, a Sword Art Online. He was instantly hooked, even though he couldn't play the game. To actually be able to immerse yourself fully into a game with mind and body just seemed so fascinating to Rhett. So he waited and waited for the game to come out and when the (what felt like) years came to an end Rhett bought the required hardware and his own copy of Sword Art Online. Upon further inspection Rhett learned that one could...have their own pet or companion. All the more reason to love the game! Personality in the game: Even though he isn't that thrilled about being trapped in SAO he isn't happier than most players. He is one to have his happiness rub off on others, but due to his constant good behavior and attitude he can often rush into things without really knowing what he is doing. He is overly protective of his beast, and that is never going to let up. He is one to ask for help if he needs it and he will often voice his opinion during any situation. He loves to get his two cents in you see? Personality in real life: Their thoughts on being stuck in SAO: At first he was rather horrified at the thought of being trapped in a virtual reality where if he died in the game he died in real life. Though that was every players reaction, to be honest he was rather surprised he didn't die on the first night. But when he picked his class he chose Beast Tamer for a reason. When he learned that he could have his own faithful companion at his side during thick and thin...well it sort of kept him going. He didn't have his friend at first he had to go find and tame him. But now that he has been in the game for quite some time he has warmed up to living in this game. It is fun to him, even though every day is a sort of struggle. Even though he truly does want to get out and back to reality, he might be one of the few to say that they actually like being in SAO.