[center][img]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j362/LillianThorne/Penelope.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Penelope Raffin [b]Age:[/b] 23 Red-haired hazel eyed Penny is short and pleasantly plump with an easy smile and a sweet, outgoing manner. Penny Raffin was the second youngest of four children. Born to a family of intellectuals she was always a little out of place. She could not compete with her sister Phaedra’s academic achievements nor with her sister Medea’s musical talent. Even her baby brother Agamemnon was looking to be much accomplished than she. It wasn’t that she was stupid, it was just that she didn’t shine in school like the others. Furthermore what she was good at was not valued by her academic minded parents who were both professors at a prestigious Massachusetts University. She graduated from High School and did the unthinkable, announced her intention to take a year off to work and “find herself” Her parents were horrified and barely spoke to her after that. Which was fine, she told herself. She moved herself to the Pacific Northwest and began to establish herself in the restaurant scene there with her incomparable hand at baking and her friendly, easy-going manner. Though she enjoyed her work and was clearly good at it she was secretly scornful of her work and thus her own worth. She’s still not sure how she wound up on the Copernicus, rounded up as part of the last grasp at humanity she feels quite a bit of guilt that she survived and her clever and therefor more valuable siblings did not. But she keeps that sense of guilt and her doubt at her own worth hidden behind a bright smile and an easy laugh.