[i]"It'll be fun!"[/i] Nick had said. [i]"We could totally team up and kick everyone's asses!"[/i] he had promised. Anna didn't think she'd have to wait in line this long. Everyone around her was grumbling with excitement and all she was grumbling with was lack of sleep and food. She had promised Nick that she'd get up at 3am to go get the game. Anna would've been surprised at the amount of people who had the same idea, but it was friggin' Sword Art Online. Every gamer was cramming their bowls in for a share. Luckily there was no school that day; some government holiday offered her time to get the game and sleep a bit before it went up. After finally getting the copy in her hands, she finally felt the excitement everyone else. [i]How lucky am I to receive one of the ten thousand copies?[/i] she asked herself. Obviously very. It'd been the talk of the internet for months now. Even in band kids would talk non stop about it. Anna rushed home at about 5am, all the way protecting her copy like it was a precious child. She unlocked the back door and slipped inside silently. She was never one for coming home at such early hours (except when Nick dragged her out), but she still kept quiet just in case her father was already awake. She tiptoed up stairs and didn't breath when she passed her father's room. The fan was still on inside. He was still asleep. Anna closed her door with the utmost care and laid her copy down on her desk. The young teenager grabbed her phone and called Nick. [i]Beeeeeeep Beeeeeeep Beeeeeeep[/i] The phone went to voice mail. [i]Hello you've reach Nick Parker! Just leave your name and message after the thingy. AND ANNA IF THAT'S YOU CALLING I'M STILL IN LINE.[/i] Anna giggled at the last bit. Anna took a deep breath and said after the phone beeped: "Nick, get your copy already!!! I have mine and it's only 5! Surprisingly, Game Stop's line wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. Looks like [i]you[/i] lost that coin toss, not me. Anyway, call me when you get your copy. And don't forget to eat before we start up. Don't want to find your corpse with the NerveGear still on your head, do I?" Anna ended the call and laid face down on her bed. This wait would be one hell of a ride.