A young boy walked out of the Taxi in the busy street, carrying a half full backpack with him. He looked forward at the familiar building in front of him. He was eager to step out of the rain but hesitant to walk in through the doors. Clicking his tongue, the boy took the first step and then the rest came easily. He knocked on the door and waited for a moment, slightly propelling himself forward with his toes and then falling back on his soles in a loop. Finally someone answered the door. "Aiden! Come right in," said the woman. "Mark! Aiden's here!" ----- Aiden sat beside his friend in his bed. "You sure this is safe?" Mark looked at him skeptically, "Of course it's safe, blockhead," he scolded his friend. "I tried it before during the beta. Plus, the scientists made sure it's safe to use or something, so it doesn't damage your nervous system." After a few moments of silence, Aiden grabbed the Nerve Gear, ready to put it on but stopped again. "What if I get paralyzed?" "You won't get paralyzed! Stop being such a wuss and-- Ow!" The friend rubbed the back of his head as Aiden's hand hovered over it. "I'm putting it on," he muttered. "But if anything happens to me, you're accountable!" Laying back on the small bed, he put the gear on. "Don't you dare tell my parents about this," he said jokingly as he turned the machine on.