"The cable goes where?" "[i]Plug it into the back of your PC. You know, the computer.[/i]" "Um...I think I got it...sorta." "[i]Fiona, seriously, it's not that hard.[/i]" The blonde haired girl let out a somewhat irritated huff of indigence, her cell phone pinned between her left cheek and left shoulder, her hands occupied with numerous cables. She was on all fours on the floor, trying to figure out the NerveGear's cables and their appropriate locations. Sure, she should be grateful to even have one, but the thing was overly complicated for her taste. She bit her lower lip, looking from the many cables in her hand to the PC before her, and let out a whine of confusion. She had no idea what she was doing. Her dad was still working, so he wasn't around to help her out like usual--the man was the picture of patience when it came to explaining technology to the technophobic Fiona. "Onii-chan...Felix...I hope this game is worth it." She grumbled as she continued her effort to get the thing going. On the other line, Felix held in his own frustration. He tried to explain how to set up everything by phone, but of course, that proved difficult. Anytime they would game together, their father usually took care of everything so that all Fiona needed to do was sit and play. Felix already had his own NerveGear, having played several games on it, but Fiona would only use the NerveGear when she visited. And thus, she had taken hers with her when he decided that they needed to play Sword Art Online together. He looked at his copy of the game, grinning as he imagined Fiona's face as she tried to set it up herself. He had even decided to skip judo practice today just for the launch. "[i]We aren't Japanese, Fiona, why do you call me that? Where DID you learn that, anyway?[/i]" Felix asked Fiona through the phone. She paused long enough to roll her eyes. "I think it's cute when girls do that in anime, don't you? Besides, you said I can't call you by your name when we play, so I have to call you [i]something[/i], right?" She asked, though she let out a cheer of victory as she finished plugging it in. "Finally done! Yes!" "[i]Eh...true...okay! Fine, your onii-chan says to plug in the NerveGear to make sure it works. The little lights on the side should blink to show everything is plugged in correctly.[/i]" Felix instructed her. Fiona took the virtual helmet in her hands, turning it. The lights did not blink. She sighed, wondering where she went wrong, though she did see the problem: the main power hadn't been plugged. She quickly plugged it in, and to her delight, the lights blinked. "Yes, they're on, finally." She stifled a yawn, looking around for her copy of the game. "Hmm...where did I leave the game...?" She pondered out loud. "[i]I'm going to let you go, getting a call from Marco, he's probably going to ask if I got the game yet. I'll call you before we start, okay?[/i]" Felix said as he heard a beep on his phone. "Huh? Oh, okay, onii-chan." "[i]...Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.[/i]"