Fion raised an eyebrow at Eldren's response, wondering what she was playing at. He couldn't recall doing anything to piss her off recently, minus that one incident when he had just woken up in Cykes after whoever had been in Riley's body had torn him apart. Then again, he had been rather pissed off after losing an arm. Still, Fion was rather annoyed that Riley was trying to blow him off when he wanted to actually have a serious conversation for once. Forget this. If Riley didn't want to talk about her issues, he'd go work on his own issues. Might as well have a chat with...[i]Fion[/i] sooner rather than later. That is, if she actually tried to have a civil conversation for once instead of trying to murder him. It was rather sad, Fion reflected, that none of the women in his life wanted to just sit down and have a nice chat. Whatever. It was Riley's problem, not his. "Suit yourself," Fion shrugged as he turned to leave. "I'll be in the corner taking a nap. Wake me up when you need me. Eldren, talk to me when you feel like it. Who knows, I might actually have something important to say." And with that, Fion slumped down in the corner, closing his eyes for a little rest, and hopefully a reasonable dialogue with the girl in his head.