As Rhett stood in the seemingly never ending line to get what he came for he couldn't help but often let himself dream on and lose himself in what he was thinking about. He just got away from hanging with a few of his friends and earlier this day he took a small leave from work for just a few days or so. His boss was so chill, it was a blessing one would say. But at the moment Rhett felt like his legs were going to collapse on themselves. Midst the cold air of the city and the constant barrage of noise that was entering his ears one would think that any sane person would just give up and go home to rest and relax. But Rhett was determined to get what he came for. He had already dropped a great sum of money on this project and he wasn't about to just leave out the key part. He kept calling this a project but it really wasn't that at all. Oh hey! The line moved slightly! Oh no...the line was moving rather rapidly now. Eager people continued to pour out of the store on the other door, each of them holding a copy of the fabled game that Rhett had been waiting to get his hand on. Rhett knew a few of the guys that worked at the game place where he was at, and all of them already had their copies of the game. Each of them guaranteed Rhett a copy...but he knew how time, and possible angry customers, could change that. So with a shift of his jacket the young man continued to step up in the line he was waiting in. Finally he entered the store. The warm air from the heating unit clasped onto his body and gave him comfort from the harsh winds of the city outside. He actually felt bad for the people standing outside still. But this line was moving now so.. Inside the store the SAO propaganda was plastered all over the place. Promises of untold adventures and a massive world to explore filled every gamer's head with their own vision of how the game would pan out. From the things Rhett had read about and heard about...he figured he was going to love this game. And now was the time. He approached the counter and gave a smile to the worker behind the counter. It wasn't one of his friends but the worker knew what he was here for but he still decided to ask. "Lemme guess. Want your copy of SAO?" Rhett replied with a soft chuckle and a nod as he brought out his wallet. "Yeah, that's it." The worker nodded again and brought over a copy of the game in its pristine case, still wrapped. He punched a few numbers into the system and as Rhett handed him the exact amount of money for the game the worker handed him his copy of the game. Rhett grasped a hold of his copy and said his goodbyes by simply waving, and then he was out of the store. The transition from the warm interior to the brisk exterior was a bit unwelcoming but he had somewhere to be. It was rather late but he had nothing else to do tomorrow. He had the day off and all. As he drew close to his apartment he reached for his keys and wriggled with them until he found the key he needed. With a few clicks his apartment door opened up and he was back home. Luckily he left the heat on inside so his home was nice and warm. With a triumphant push he shut the door and then laid the game on the table next to him. He took off his jacket and scarf and laid them on the back of a chair. He picked the game up and started to take it out of its wrapping as he examined the back and simultaneously made his way to his room with his computer. Once inside the room he flicked the light on and smiled as his system was still on. He was happy know that he went through all that trouble to set the whole thing up and get it running earlier. Now all he had to do was just put the game in and put on the Nervegear and he was good to go. With a slight hesitation Rhett took the game out of the case and held it in his fingers. He examined it a few times before looking down to the disc tray on his computer tower. It looked hungry for the disc, who was Rhett to deny a computer food? Slowly he placed the game in and he closed the tray. A few lights on the Nervegear started to flash so Rhett unplugged the helmet and held it in his hands. He gently placed it on his head and strapped it around his chin. The young man then collapsed on his bed and his whole body just seemed to melt into the sheets and covers. But he couldn't sleep. He was wide awake and he was about to experience something amazing. "Alright.." He said hesitantly. "The time has come." A smile crept on his face as he readied himself for Sword Art Online.