Character You Would Like to Play: (The) Hybrid Real Name: Gordon March Canon or OC: OC Character Alignment: Anti-Hero (Walks the line. Fights crime but does not mind killing.) Appearance/Costume: Without the Symbiote, Gordon is around 5'11" and weighs about 186 pounds. He has silver eyes and jet-black hair. In the costume, he looks like this: [img][/img] Origin/History of Your Character: Gordon grew up you basic normal life up until the age of eighteen. But his whole life changed when his parents were killed during a bank robbery, and four years later his brother was killed in the crossfire of a gang war. He went mercenary, taking to collecting guns to admire and use in his jobs. He comes in contact with the symbiote about ten years later when his life is steady from money due to jobs. He spent this whole time greiving silently over the death of his family, having only an aunt which he visits regularly, even after the symbiote. Hybrid is what happens when a mercenary and gun nut finds a powerful symbiote. This symbiote is Hybrid, a mix of four other symbiotes which are all the children of the Venom symbiote. Lasher, Riot, Agony, and Phage are the symbiotes that make up Hybrid. This results in multiple personalities and can hinder Gordon in combat. Powers and Abilities (If Any): These abilities are from the wiki and contain the canon Hybrid's name in the descriptions. [hider=abilities] Composite Symbiotic Costume: The Symbiote that Scott Washington merged with is actually several other Symbiotes that have merged themselves into one composite Symbiote. Even while still individuals, each Symbiote developed a nonviolent personality yet still granted Scott various powers after merging with him, including the ability to walk despite his parapalegia. The Symbiote didn't heal the damage to Washington's spinal cord, it simply negated the damage much in the same way the Venom (Symbiote) (Earth-616) Symbiote suppressed Eddie Brock's cancer. Each of the Symbiotes as individuals possessed unique abilities; all of which were transferred to Scott. Advanced Constituent Matter Generation: Washington's composite Symbiote can also generate tendrils much like Venom for the purpose of additional limbs that he has used to catch bullets in mid-air or to grasp opponents. Washington can hurl pieces of the Symbiote material in the form of projectile weapons that actually have independent motion of their own for up to several hours before finally dissolving. Advanced Constituent Matter Manipulation: An ability inherited from the Riot and Lasher symbiotes, Hybrid can create bludgeoning weapons, such as hammers, out of its own mass, or mucus-like tendrils that can be brandished as whip-like weapons. The Phage symbiote also grants Hybrid the ability to create razor sharp bladed weapons out of its own mass (similar to Carnage.) While merged into this single composite Symbiote, none of these individual powers have been demonstrated, however Scott has shown the ability to track remnants of his symbiote, using them like spider-tracers. The symbiote strands are even sentient, and intelligent enough to use binary code. Metabolic Acid Generation: The Agony symbiote could use her metabolism to spit acid, which could burn through most substances, however the full extent or limit and range of her acid projectiles are unknown. While merged into this single composite Symbiote, this power has yet to be demonstrated. Metabolic Chemical Absorption: Agony could even absorb chemicals (such as Spider-Man's artificial webbing.) This ability had not been shown in any of the other LF symbiotes, and was inherited by Hybrid. Flight: Unlike other Symbiotes, Washington's is able to use its material to create wing-like appendages in which he can fly through the air for long periods of time and for great distances. While the upper limit of his speed isn't revealed, it is believed that his flight speed doesn't exceed 150 miles per hour. Superhuman Strength: As Hybrid, Scott Washington's musculature, connective tissues and skeletal structure are considerably stronger than those found in a normal human. As a result, he currently possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift at least 10 tons. Superhuman Speed: Washington is able to run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Superhuman Stamina: Washington's greatly augmented musculature is much more efficient than that of a normal human. As a result, his muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins than those of normal humans. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood starts to impair him. Superhuman Durability: As Hybrid, Washington's body is much tougher and more resistant to conventional physical injury than an ordinary human. He can withstand great impact forces, falls from high altitudes, powerful energy blasts and high caliber bullets without sustaining injury. Superhuman Agility: Washington's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Overall, his agility is comparable to Spider-Man's. Superhuman Reflexes: Washington's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete. Immunity to Spider-man's Spider Sense: Due to Spider-Man being a host to the symbiote, Hybrid is able to bypass Spider-Man's spider-sense (being that they both fight crime it is unlikely this power will be used.) Wall Crawling: As with Spider-Man and Venom, Washington's Symbiote allows him to stick to and scale across almost any surface in much the same way as a spider. He can cling to most surface material even if the material is covered with substances that would make them slick such as water or standard oil. Web Slinging: Like most other symbiotes Scott has the ability to create a form of webbing which is strong enough to swing from but he can also use it for tactical reasons like webbing up an enemy to easily end a fight. Symbiote Disguise Like most symbiotes Hybrid has the ability to change the features of his body to disguise himself as a completely different person and can do the same with his clothes too but can not change his voice. [/hider] His weaknesses include Intense heat, intense Sound, and his multiple personalities due to the combined symbiotes. Weapons (If Any) None Supporting Cast (If Any): None Sample Post: Gordon screamed in both confusion and pain as the strange blob surrounded him in itself and connected to him mentally. He soon felt another four voices in his head, chattering away. They were arguing about whether to dominate this man's mind or to let him keep himself. They soon decided to co-exist, and went silent. Gordon moved his hand up, and flexed his arm. He felt... stronger. He jumps to find he could leap a whole foot higher than before, and laughs in glee. He runs and jumps off a building, and almost paniced but then wings came out of the living suit and start to flap, lifting him up. He lets out whoots and flies off into the night. The whole time the symbiotes started filling him in with what they would grant him.