Nick had not replied to Anna at all within the past few minutes, and the link was going to be starting soon. She sighed,"Sorry Nick. Hopefully we'll find each other in there." Anna turned the air down to a comfortable level and put on pajamas. She tied her hair back in a bun and ate what she could, for her hunger was overthrown by anticipation. She peaked her head out her room and yelled to her father that she would be playing, not caring whether he was awake or not. Anna plugged in the NerveGear, her hands shaking. What if the NerveGear didn't work? What if the game crashed? What- Her alarm went off, signaling her it was a minute before the link went up. Anna scrambled onto her bed, quickly putting the NerveGear on. She breathed and closed her eyes. She was scared as hell of what she'do find in this world. "Link start!" she said in unison with her timer, ---- Anna was struck by a series of questions from the NerveGear. She confirmed all the functions to be working and logged on. She suddenly felt a falling sensation and then the ground was beneath her feet. She blinked and looked down at her feet. "Oh my god," she whispered as she inspected her hands and fingers and body. This body was completely new to her. And so was this world. She turned and felt her long(er) hair swish behind her. People were showing up out of nowhere. She laughed and jumped up and screamed with joy. Suddenly the plaza she was in started to fill up to the brim. Anna surveyed the crowd, trying her best to look for Nick's character. "Holy shit," she said as she smiled. She wasn't scared anymore. This world had too many wonderful things to offer.