[b]Katie - Haywood - All Hell Breaks Loose[/b]

Lauren came out shouting. Katie had wanted Emma, but Lauren would help too. She knew she would. Despite all she said, she knew Lauren would help her.
Katie shrank back in fear when Lauren started wielding a gun. Why did Lauren have a gun? Guns were bad. Guns hurt people. A gun had hurt Katie.
Then things started to happen too fast.
Lauren was shouting, calling her daddy names.
Her daddy was shouting, saying Lauren was going to shoot Katie.
Then something happened that would forever scar the small child.

It seemed to happen in slow motion. There were shots fired. With each shot, Lauren's body jerked like a puppet. She turned towards Katie as she fell. Katie was looking into her eyes, seeing the shock and pain there, right when her face exploded.
Katie screamed as blooded splattered everywhere, getting on Katie clothes, hair and face. 
"LAUREN!!!" she screamed, pulling out of Shannon's now limp grip and running to her fallen friend. "No! No, Lauren!" she started shaking the dead woman. "Come back! Come back!" Laying her head on Lauren's shoulder Katie pleaded and sobbed. "Lauren... Lauren come back... please... I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Come back!"

It was all her fault. If she hadn't thrown a fit then Lauren wouldn't have been shot. It was all her fault... all her fault...
"I'm sorry," she cried. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
The words kept spilling from her, she was unable to stop them.
It was all her fault.
Everything was her fault.

She ended up curled in a little ball next to Lauren's body, covered in her blood and rocking back and forth. The child had been through so much in her young life, had made it through things that would break some adults.
But this... to be looking into someone's eyes as they died... this was her breaking point. Seeing the woman who was her friend, who had practically helped raise her, who had saved her in the underground from the monsters and had taken care of her out in the woods...
Katie didn't want to close her eyes. When she did, she kept seeing Lauren's face explode over and over.

Her fault...
All her fault...