[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Phillis Circus[/u][/b] Estelle didn’t even register Aria’s question, instead still transfixed with embarrassment the things that Aria had mentioned to her before that, and the couple she had seen frenetically kissing on top of one of the ferris wheel’s supports, of all places. Being alone here at night… under the stars… with Marcus… she… she… “Er, Estelle, are you okay?” Aria asked, tapping the redhead’s shoulder and bringing her coursing straight back to reality. Estelle’s body leapt up with a shrill shriek and she spun on the spot, still aflush with embarrassment as she looked at Aria and then did her frantic best to avoid eye contact. “I’m, er, good! Great, even! Ah, yeah, er, hmm… what were you saying?” Another playful smile adorned Aria’s lips, but she didn’t press the tease any further. As fun as coming on the ferris wheel and seeing Estelle squirm in such an adorable fashion no doubt was, they had a mission to fulfil, and they couldn’t forget about that, no matter what other distractions laid in wait for them. “I said, do you see anywhere you want to investigate?” Aria chuckled. Estelle’s eyes blinked with realisation and purpose, and she finally remember what it was they were supposed to be doing. “Oh, oh, yeah, you’re right. Hmm.” Estelle peered out of the carriage’s windows, surveying the circus grounds below. Upon Aria’s mentioning of it again, she could indeed see Trixie, Lute and Lucien entering a big tent labelled with a gigantic, flamboyant sign as “Horror Train”. And across the way, Estelle was almost positive she could see Moira, Syed, Xandra and Eric walking towards a funhouse? In fact, Estelle was absolutely certain of it. No one could mistake the bombastic sound of Moira’s voice. Estelle flashed a quick glance in the direction of the smooching couple from before. She grimaced as she did so, knowing she’d regret it as soon as she saw them, but then her eyes widened in bewilderment to see that neither one were there anymore, both having vanished completely. That was strange. Estelle shrugged, and looked back down at the grounds below. The rest of the group were taking on the two biggest tents, aside from the large Big Top in the centre of the grounds. There were smaller tents dotted about the place for smaller, individual act demonstrations, but if anything smelt suspicious to Estelle… it was the big top. That tent was absolutely huge, designed to house and seat an audience in the hundreds, as well as the wide ring ground where the performances were held. That was the next most suspicious looking location to her. “The Big Top.” Estelle said, nodding towards it. “I think we should go explore that.” ----------- [img]http://i.imgur.com/yWeW5Rr.png[/img] “The Fun House, huh?” Eric idly scratched his chin as he followed his companions in the direction of it. Eric had watched with an absentminded silence at the trio’s adventures before, his thoughts affixed to his niece, and the wealth of concern he had for her surged back with greater gusto as they came up to the jubilantly jolly fun house before them. “Me and my niece went on it yesterday,” Eric said. “She absolutely loved it. I think it was one of her favourite attractions.” “Her favourite, huh?” Syed replied, “Do you think she might have gone back in to play again, then?” It was the hopeful, optimistic guess, although deep in his gut Syed had to wonder. Things couldn’t possibly be so simple, but it could also be a possibility that she simply got lost in the maze, right? …right?