High school was now behind him and the summer was his. June, july, august.. three whole months to game, party, and hook up. Mostly game. Tony was stoked thinking about all of the possibilities that the season held for him but highest of all of them was the greatly anticipated Sword Art Online. Of course he had the game preordered. Though that didn't stop him from waiting in line all damn night to be one of the first ten people to pick it up. Tony had a switch blade in his pocket in the event some other gamer tried to get the best of him and steal his copy once he was out of the store. There were only ten thousand copies of SAO being sold to the public and owning it basically made you the envy of every gamer on the planet. The drive back to his house was killing him and if he could have plugged it into his car to play he would have. Going the speed limit it would've taken about an hour to get back home. Tony finished the trip in thirty five minutes and made all haste form the garage to his room. His Nervegear was already plugged in and he quickly set up the game, changing into some basketball shorts and a white undershirt to get comfortable. A giant black leather recliner acted as his gaming throne and he kicked back in it, donning the Nervegear. The equipment flared to life and a timer appeared signaling one minute until the link was initiated. Tony couldn't find any words to describe how excited he was. Finally, he was going to be able to live the game instead of controlling an avatar in third person. This time he [i]IS[/i] the avatar. 3.. 2.. 1.. "Link start!" the sensation that followed could only be described as otherworldly or like he was having an out of body experience as his conscious was projected into the game. Icons appeared naming the five senses and turned green, confirming that the full dive system was operating normally. Character creation was faster than he'd thought initially. He had all night in line to think of a name and whatnot. No longer would he be Tony, not in this world. Now he was Tosun, soon to be the greatest sword master the MMO universe has ever seen!