Apollo sat in the Town of Beginnings, clearly bored out of his mind. His avatar was dark haired and burly, the complete opposite of Felix. But that was the beauty of MMORPGs--you can be anyone you wanted to be. Tall, short, manly, feminine, whatever. Escapism, perhaps, but it was somewhat relieving not being burdened by real world identities. Only people you knew in real life would know what you liked like and who you were. Speaking of said people, a certain little sister was taking forever to finish up her character. True, the options were vast and extensive, so it may have been too much for the poor noob. He chuckled lightly to himself, but let out a sigh. He had specifically instructed her to pick a certain name so he could find her, as well. But knowing Fiona, she was bound to mess it up somehow. Thankfully, his prayers were answered in the form of a player appearing in front of him. She was tall with short dark hair, and as she turned to him, blinking with purple eyes, she flashed a grin. He knew this was Fiona, or rather, "Artemis". "What took you so long?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't sure if I wanted blue or purple eyes." Despite Artemis' very adult appearance, Fiona's young voice made it very clear that she was a high school kid acting as an adult. "I mean, I was going after one of those 'tall, dark, and gorgeous' types, but...eh?!" She let out a yell of disbelief, pointing to him. "You have purple eyes too?!" Apollo let out a nervous laugh at this point, scratching his head, though in about five seconds Artemis went around him, inspecting his character. She paused before him before letting out an irritated sigh. "Onii-chan...we're basically the same character but gender swapped." She stated flatly, clearly unamused. "Great minds think alike?" He suggested. "About the whole 'onii-chan' thing, I decided, it's weird enough that I'm playing with my little sister, so I'm going to have to ask you to cut it out." "What? But...you realize Apollo and Artemis are brother and sister in Greek mythology, right? People are going to know we're siblings anyway, so what's the big deal?" "I know that, that is specifically WHY I picked these names weeks ago...took me forever to think of decent names--wait, no, the point is it's weird when you call me that!" "Why?" "Because it is!" "Is it because of the whole incest thing they have going on in anime?" "FIONA!" "Ah, ah, ah, it's Artemis here, remember? You said we can't call each other by our real names!" "You can't just talk about things like that!" The two began to bicker with one another, clearly irritated with the other as they each tried to make their point across. Which was pointless, seeing as how the two siblings were arguing about different things.