After Rhett felt good and ready and let out a heavy sigh before remaining silent for a few more seconds. The Nervegear on his head was beeping and blinking as it anticipated his command. So Rhett finally felt ready, he felt the words build up inside of him and he opened his mouth. "Link Start!" With that said the flash of lights and sounds came seemingly out of nowhere as they flooded into Rhett's mind. He saw a few words pop up as they were checking his senses and...vitals? He sword he saw that pop up. But that didn't matter now. He was prompted to sign in and he did and right after that the flashing colors stopped and he was given a white screen. At this moment he didn't know it but he was now fully a part of the virtual world. He was gone. Next thing he knew he was opening up his eyes in an unknown plaza of sorts. His ears were taken over by the sounds of voices and other noises and Rhett quickly came to his senses. He looked down to his hands and then all over his body and realized he was now in the game. Players were spawning in all over the place and it was a wondrous sight to see. A few players cast looks all around and Rhett was doing the same. He started to smile as he walked along through the plaza. Sure he was alone but that didn't really matter to him now. He just felt so immersed in this was unreal. Everything felt so real though! As he continued to walk along he decided to stop at a fountain of sorts and just take a moment. A few players walked past him, talking about going and slaying a few monsters or looking for loot. That sounds fun to Rhett! Pipit. He forgot about his username. He was going to need to get used to calling himself that. Shouldn't be hard. So as he standing next to the fountain he brought his hand up and waved it down. Even though it was unintentional he opened up his menu. Pipit looked over his stats and his inventory and everything else. Everything was basic for him, as it should have been. He picked beast why didn't he have a beast yet? Or was that just a name title or something? Oh time to think about that now. So Pipit closed his inventory and started to head off in one direction. He had no idea where he was going, but he was still in that same town of sorts it seemed. It stretched on for a good while. Did he have a map of some kind? Or a quest at least? Only time would tell most likely, the game did just start.