"Link start." He said rather phlegmatically. Reserved as he was in the notion, he was still bordering on the possibility of breaking a promise to his now-dead-parents. That gut feeling, though... he knew he had to go in. Something was going to happen inside of this game, and he was going to need to be there for it. He didn't know what or why, but it was the same gut feeling that drove him into the Marines. The same feeling, that ended up putting him in a position to saving the life of someone who wanted to commit suicide while in basic combat training. Then, later down the line, when there was a shooting on base, and was able to disarm the man before anyone was seriously injured. There were other situations, too, when others ended up depending on him for strength and guidance. He wasn't the most sociable of people, but he knew his spot in the military. There was no room to isolate yourself and be a cold, unrelenting hardass. He was introverted, but not anti-social. In seconds, he was prompted with a bunch of miscellaneous questions and tests to run for calibration. The avatar was pretty simple. Tall, like himself. Broad and rather well muscled, as he became with the training. Blonde hair instead of his regular black, and a rather healthy beard fleshed out, since he wasn't allowed to grow one anymore due to regulations. Then, the name. "Bjorn", to fit with the personality he always took when he was in a game. Large and in charge, and ready to rush into the action head-first. Plans never held up in a battle, and only strength and endurance is what keeps you alive. With it all finished and filled out, an odd sense of euphoria washed over him, and then planted him right down in the first town. It took him a few seconds to adjust, but it kind of felt like the various training exercises he under went during the military, and was comfortable in seconds with the new body of his. "Right. The manual said there'd be... ah!" He was already shifting through his inventory, and discovered where he needed to head off in. His selection was for the players who intended to gear up toward the two-handed abilities, with its own guide and tips on how to level up the abilities and what manner of play styles were found to be most effective during the beta tests. Bunch of the information was all in the little starter's guide, courtesy of the beta testers, from a simple cardboard-stock NPC. No shame in that, it was the starter zone after all. Set and ready to go on pretty much the same level as everyone else... he trucked on out. Sight seeing could come later, he wanted action. He wanted to test what his limits were in the game. To see the challenges ahead, the struggles that were meant to make it the mold-breaker of all video games. To become, literally, an entirely new and different person. As well, of course, to shake this terrible gut feeling he was going to be as much of a Marine in here, as he was in reality.