Character You Would Like to Play: Princess von Doom(Daughter of Doctor Doom) Real Name: Valeria von Doom Canon or OC: OC, but the child of a canon character Character Alignment: Hero Appearance/Costume: [url=]"Idiot! If you get in trouble I'm letting someone else save you!"[/url] Valeria's costume is a red dress, complete with epaulets. The skirt is very large and frilly, and could be described quite aptly as poofy. However, over her chest, lower arms, hands, and legs, Valeria wears power armor modeled after the set worn by her father, though lighter and not as covering. She also has a long, red cape. Finally, Valeria wears a small crown atop her head. Origin/History of Your Character: Born in Latveria, the daughter of its infamous ruler, Doctor Doom himself. Valeria was educated and raised from a young age to be Doctor Doom's potential successor, heavily educated in science, technology, and magical arts. She was also educated in how to run a country, as well as pursue the... ambitions that Doom himself held. She was rarely allowed to leave Doctor Doom's home. Valeria grew, more and more, to resent this. She knew she was being raised to be nothing more then her father's successor, and she began to utterly hate this fact. And from there, she began to plot her escape. When she was certain it was the right time, Valeria sabotaged her father's security system and fled. Her goal was a simple one: Escape Latveria, and become the very thing her father had fought against. Valeria's goal, out of a combination of curiosity and spite, was to become a superhero. And she has tried to do this as much as possible. She's managed to escape Latveria and funnel some of her father's money into her possession, at least. Powers and Abilities: Valeria, like her father, has experience with both science and mystical arts. She can use magic to produce dangerous blasts of mystical energy, or use that same energy to shield herself from harm. She also has some experience with spellcasting, though not nearly to such an extent as her father, and knows how to invoke some supernatural entities. Valeria is highly intelligent and educated in technology, allowing her to engineer autonomous robots and even assemble a suit of power armor for herself. She also possesses a deep knowledge of other sciences. Weapons: Valeria's weapon is her suit of power armor, modeled after her father's. While it provides less coverage, it protects her body using its own durability and a weak force-field it passively produces while she wears it. The armor can also fire blasts of concussive energy from its palms, allowing her to damage small structures or launch enemies away from herself. It also greatly enhances her strength, allowing such a tiny girl to lift objects that weigh many times more then she does and deal damage even simply in hand-to-hand. Supporting Cast: Doctor Doom himself, the Latverian Embassy Other: Valeria is a temperamental girl. She has a tendency to chastise and yell at those who she believes are stupid for whatever reason, declaring how idiotic she feels they are. She does not like talking about her father and counts him among the stupid people. Her long, long list of stupid people. That said, it's not as if she's incapable of being nice... she's just not exactly going to be doing it as her first reaction to anyone. In fact, Valeria is liable to complain about others before anything else. Even when she gets close to someone... she has a tendency to complain more about them. At least now it's because she wants to lecture them about not getting themselves into dumb situations. Valeria is also rather easy to fluster and embarrass and she's also quick to anger. On top of that, she's a bit... spoiled. But at the same time, she does genuinely want to try and help people. At the same time, though, part of her motivation to be a hero is spite. Valeria is confident and sure of herself, even to the point of loudly declaring how her enemies have no chance. Sample Post: This situation... this was strange. She simply wasn't used to these things! No... Valeria couldn't even begin to decide where she could start with this. How could she even attempt to defeat such a strange situation? Damn it, why wouldn't they assist her?! Who had convinced them to force her into this?! But... she had no choice... she needed the items held in this place, no matter if she had no idea where to start with finding them. Valeria had never shopped for groceries a single time in her entire life. The small girl clutched the cart tightly as she walked along, eyeing the shelves suspiciously. It wasn't as if she suspected them to attack her, or something like that... but what if they incompetent employees placed items she needed in with the items she didn't?! She was certain that the people who worked here were not hired for their intelligence, and it was hard to say that they might always get the objects in the right spot! ... Admittedly she didn't know what the right spot was, but... Something bumped sharply into her side, and Valeria fell to the ground with a cry of surprise. She was small, and light, and without her armor it didn't take much of an effort to knock her down. Whatever had hit her even hit hard enough to hurt... Rising into a sitting postion, Valeria rubbed her shoulder and winced. She looked up to see the retreating figure of an older woman in a brown sweater, with a cart stacked full of so many items it looked like she planned to feed a small country. The woman didn't even turn around when she said "Watch where you're going! I don't have time to watch out for some dumb little girl!" Valeria's eyes narrowed as she rose to her feet. What a... moronic, stupid jerk, how could she...! "Idiot!" Valeria snapped, folding her arms across her chest, "What kind of small-minded moron doesn't notice when someone is in front of them? Was your mind addled with the strain of attempting to comprehend the brand names on these packages?" There was silence. The woman made no attempt to respond. "Now, excuse me, I don't have time to watch out for sightless idiots who don't mind if they hurt others if they get in the way of consuming enough food to feed a small country." With that, Valeria turned. Someone else could save [i]that[/i] one, if she needed it.