A green health bar floated in the top left corner of his vision along with his level (one) and his new name. Tosun. [iUnreal[/i] he thought as he examined his hands and performed a series of quick jabs and kicks to feel out the motions. It was all totally fluid as if it was his own body, none of it was pre scripted movements. New players were materializing in the plaza almost every second, some finding each other while others looked around for their friends. Partying and guilds would come later, right now Tosun wanted to level up. The guide in his inventory, which he selected from the holographic menu that appeared, would tell him a few key details that he wanted to know about how to build the type of swordsman he wanted to be. He'd heard somewhere along the line that there was an unlimited number of skills within the game. Perhaps that was because players could create their own? time will tell. The game thus far was amazing, everything he'd hoped it to be and he hadn't even left the spawn area yet. A smile crossed his features as he thought of rectifying that fact and not a moment later he was on his way out into the lands surrounding the Town of Beginnings, a single handed curved sword in his possession and a glint of excitement in his eyes at the prospect of fighting monsters.