[b]Character You Would Like to Play:[/b] Green Lantern [b]Real Name: [/b] Jen’nai Sayan [b]Canon or OC: [/b] OC [b]Character Alignment: [/b] Hero [b]Appearance/Costume: [/b] [url=http://lostcause26.deviantart.com/art/Back-To-School-403009499]It’s OK; she just looks like a fourteen year old girl.[/url] Aliens age differently to humans, after all. Roughly speaking, in Tyrodian terms she’s about equal to a human in their early twenties. [b]Origin/History of Your Character: [/b] Technically the Green Lantern of Sector 3026 rather than 2814, Jen’Nai nonetheless found her way to Earth anyway while chasing a fleeing suspect. Once there, she was ordered to stay, if only because of the sheer number of threats to universal peace that the planet seemed to be spawning; with the Guardians rationalising that the local Lanterns would need all the help they could get. Jen’Nai is a native of the planet Tyrod, and received her ring when she was just a child. In some ways, this has given her something of an inferiority complex; a desire to prove herself after the Corps kept her sheltered for a number of years, not wishing to expose a young girl to the dangers of life as a Lantern until they felt she was ready, and while she has the Will expected of a Green Lantern she can be impetuous, rushing into situations when a more measured approach is called for. This sheltered existence gave her plenty of time to be educated in the ways of the Corps, and to hone her skills with the Ring. This means that she’s just as competent with it as many of the mature Lanterns, and more than able to hold her own in a tough spot. [b]Powers and Abilities (If Any): [/b] [b]Weapons (If Any): [/b][list] [*][url=http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Lantern_Ring]Green Lantern Ring[/url][/*] [*][url=http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Lantern_Power_Battery]Green Lantern Power Battery[/url][/*] [/list][b]Supporting Cast (If Any): [/b] [b]Other: [/b] [b]Sample Post (must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs with at least 2 lines of dialogue from your character): [/b] Jen’nai picked her way slowly through the ruins. Rather unusually for her, her progress was cautious rather than headstrong, since she knew there was trouble around her. And then something jumped up from behind a smashed wall and took a shot at her. She dived to the left, aiming for a rock, and throwing up a shield to deflect the blast coming her way. However, what she didn’t see was the other construct popping up behind her, and nailing her in the back with a beam of green light. Up above, a whistle blew, and the constructs vanished. A bulky-looking figure descended from the sky above the training area, dressed in the signature green and black of the Lantern Corps. “Well, Cadet Sayan, you mind explaining what you did wrong there?” It was Kilowog, drill instructor of the Green Lantern Corps. “Didn’t watch my back. Left myself wide open running to cover.” Jen’nai kept her head down as she was berated. “Now I’m dead.” “Correct. Remember that there’s never just one threat, and the other could come at you from anywhere. Don’t get fixated on the one you’re fleeing.”