Though Conquest remained jealous of Shadowmane's incredible speed for a few moments, he had only to picture his previous awe-inspiring form rocketing across the sky like a blazing comet to quell his feelings of envy. Despite his comparative lugubriousness, Conquest arrived at his “master's” side before the sun had perceptibly moved and took in the nearby town. After listening to Calvartem's briefing, Conquest's jagged mouth twisted into a grin. His flames burned brighter as he declared, “I will light the way.” In short order, the necromancer's minions had gathered the necessary intelligence and the assault was ready to begin. The two beings, one wreathed in darkness and the other in fire, hurtled into the town faster than the rain of projectiles could fall from the battlements. Though the crude bullets only chipped him and bolts simply melted upon hitting him and the fire only added to his energy thanks to his ability to absorb heat from his surroundings, Conquest paused a moment to levitate into an upright position and hurl a ball of condensed magma toward the bastions. As he passed through the gate in Shadowmane's wake, the burning bomb detonated, scattering lava over the walls. He didn't stop to relish the screams of those unfortunate enough to be hit by the liquid fire, and instead raced through the streets after Calvartem. The graveyard was just as indefensible a position as Conquest had guessed. He knew that the only way to keep the humans off Calvartem's back long enough for him to raise an army was to create his own defense. Rising into the air above the grim cemetery, he cast jets of fire from his hands, setting ablaze all nearby buildings. Within a small amount of time the burning wood would make all ways into the area very unpleasant; all but one, the main street. It was there that Conquest descended, crossing his arms as the first responders (those soldiers nearest to the current area) arrived. A blast of fire caused the ill-prepared men to scatter, but Conquest didn't move to pursue him. By remaining in the open and not moving, he would be able to draw the most attention to himself. Another bolt of fire narrowly missed a capped head peering around the corner of an alley. Conquest sent his next skyward to explode like a flare. “Come on!”