Damian dashed home as fast as he could in the pouring rain. Both out of need to escape the downpour and excitement to play The Game. This game was making waves all across the world, the first of its kind, a full dive VR-MMO, was bound to revolutionize the gaming industry. With only ten-thousand copies being sold world-wide, to own it would be to become part of history. It was no easy feat to get the game either, Damian had to work many secondary jobs to help pay for the Nerve-Gear and SAO by the time it was released. Through his hard work, and his patience to sit in a line for 9 hours, he was able to get his copy of SAO. The game was tucked under his jacket as he ran through the streets. Damian burst through the door to his house as soon as he got home. He placed the game in a safe place and began to shed his wet clothing, which he replaced with more comfortable attire. He retrieved his game and ran to his room where he checked the connections to his nerve gear and his computer. After insuring everything was hooked up he placed the game in his computer and donned the virtual reality helmet. The display flashed around him as the nerve gear initialized, the settings checked out, and then his vitals were registered. Damian nearly shook with anticipation, this chance to leave the real world behind, a place where he could forge a life he wanted to live. An escape from his depressing life, and the limits of the real world. "Link Start." He spoke to the helmet, immediately he senses dissolved around him as he entered the game-scape. _______________________________________________ Exiting the character creator Genjii, as he would now be called, felt a calm falling sensation and then his feet were on cobblestone. He had bright orange hair tied up in a warriors pony tail, he wore a simple blue tunic paired with leather pants and fitted with pieces of metal armor. He stood at a slightly taller than average height and could scan the streets much better than he would be able to in the real world. He swiftly made his way from shop to shop, picking up what he considered to be the essentials. As he went from shop to shop he was hard studying the beginners guide that was compiled by the beta-testers. He was going to understand this game to the best of his ability, he planned to the play this game and not let it play him. Genjii's next plan of action was to test out the fighting system and get as much loot as he could for the time being, so he set off to the outskirts of town following the map found in his menu.