[b]Character You Would Like to Play:[/b] Blue Lantern [b]Real Name:[/b] Devdas Rayner [b]Canon or OC:[/b] OC [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Appearance/Costume:[/b] Out of costume, Dev has a fairly slim but average size and build for an older teenager, although a fairly large proportion of his body mass is muscle. His skin colour is darker and typical for Indian descent, he has black, typically untidy hair and a gaunt face, with dark brown eyes. He has a reasonable amount of scars around his body, most notably one which runs diagonally across the upper side of his face from right to left, narrowly missing his left eye. When in civilian clothing, he tends towards black and darker colours but always wears his blue lantern ring. His costume is an angular and armoured variation of the normal blue lantern costume, which is generated from his ring as all lantern costumes are. It has a black base with blue armour in the form of shoulder-pads, a large section of armour on his chest, large gauntlets and boots. The blue lantern logo is in a recess in the centre of his chest armour which glows when he uses his powers, as well as on the edge of his shoulder-pads and the soles of his boots. He wears a large pair of triangular glasses which cover most of his face instead of a mask, with translucent blue lenses and has a black hood which he uses to further obscure his face. [b]Origin/History of Your Character:[/b] Dev was born to a poor family and orphaned at an early age but constantly attempted to improve his status in life. When he was barely into his teens, he came across a member of the Sinestro corps attempting to recruit gang members into the corps and managed to attract the attention of the green lantern Kyle Rayner. The green lantern managed to defeat the invader but that was not the last time the boy experienced the emotional spectrum. Some time later, the yellow lantern returned desiring revenge and discovered that Dev had called Rayner in order to defeat him and found the boy. However, Dev resisted the fear effects of the yellow ring and managed to evade physical attacks for long enough for Sister Sercy of the blue lanterns and Kyle Rayner to arrive. The villain defeated again, his ring's energy drained by Sercy, the blue lantern observed that the boy's hope was great and he agreed to travel to Odym with her, where he proved his understanding of hope and became the official blue lantern of sector 2841. While able to use his ring effectively even with the lower power available without a green lantern present, his allies worried about his living situation. Eventually, Kyle Rayner agreed to take him in and provide him with a healthy civilian life as well as backup while fighting crime. As years went on, the two lanterns became closer and Rayner eventually adopted Devdas. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] Fighting ability: Dev has high-quality fighting ability, trained over a long period of time. Blue lantern ring: Dev is the blue lantern of sector 2841 and can use his blue lantern ring to channel the blue power of hope. The most common uses of this include flight, force-fields, energy blasts and constructs. He can also use the ring to manifest and alter his clothing, translate any language, scan for any kind of signal and communicate with other lantern rings. The blue light of hope also has unique interactions with other light which Dev has learned to be able to turn off and on; when close to a green ring both rings increase in power significantly, it can drain energy from a yellow ring, it is immune from being drained by an orange ring and it can cure people affected by the red light of rage. He doesn't have a lantern, as a blue lantern ring fuels itself directly of its users hope and as such its strength is proportional to his own hope. [b]Weapons:[/b] His blue lantern ring, which gives him the powers previously described. It is a small ring with the blue lantern logo that he wears on his right hand. [b]Supporting Cast:[/b] His adoptive father and existing green lantern, Kyle Rayner. [b]Other:[/b] While he doesn't use the title normally, the other blue lanterns all call him "Brother Rayner". He has vowed to keep his identity secret as long as Kyle does and reveal it only if Kyle reveals his identity. While he doesn't have many villains of his own, he has inherited a lot of the foes that faced Earth's green lanterns. He is somewhat frustrated that the blue lantern corps is so low on numbers compared to the other lantern corps. [b]Sample Post:[/b] "...for hope burns bright!" Devdas shouted as he flew through the air towards the collapsing building. The oath was completely unnecessary but he liked it and it seemed to raise moral if a hero was constantly shouting something inspiring. He sped towards the office block, blue light emerging from his form into a glowing aura. He looked over the building and observed all of the people still stuck before creating a large girder out of his light to hold up the top floor. "Everyone stay calm!" The young hero shouted over the wind as he entered through a broken window on the top floor and signaled for everyone to approach him. He made a circle of light beneath them and descended onto the floor bellow. He continued his descent, picking up the people who hadn't reached the stairs before they collapsed as the floors above him started to crumble. As the last of them approached him, a large chunk of flooring from above collapsed on top of them. As the blue bubble, almost full to bursting with people shot out of the building, some people from the crowds below cheered. He carefully lowered everyone to the ground and opened up the bubble at the edge of the crowd and letting the rescued civilians join the onlookers. "Do not worry. All will be well." As the blue lantern flew back towards the building, he created a few simple blocks to deflect debris away from crowds and back towards the now-ruined building. He didn't know what had caused it but he would make it his mission to find out. A journalist waved and, not needing to get away quickly, he decided to engage them. He turned up his aura so as to completely obscure his face and flew towards her. "So, Blue Lantern, do you have any comments on the current situation? What do you think caused this?" The journalist, camera at the ready, seemed to have an unending supply of questions so Dev just cut in before she got too far. "I trust that the cause of this collapse will eventually be discovered but I wouldn't jump to conclusions. As of now, everyone is safe and well, which is what really matters." At that, he took off again and flew away. [i]Nailed it.[/i]