Oh they were just wonderful, Penny thought as her hand was taken gallantly by the older gentleman. Her shy smile bloomed to a grin when the big man who introduced himself as Josey called her Cupcake and guessed her occupation. She loved pet names! Food ones were the best. And then the thin, shy boy, Henry, was shaking her hand and looking up at her from under hair that fell over his eyes in a manner that Penny had always found so appealing. She melted a little at the sight. Henry looked like a little lost thing and her impulse to feed him until he was stuffed grew exponentially. “Nice to meet you both.” She said to them. “And no, Mr. Josey, you are not wrong. I am a baker but I’ve run lines too so you can count on me for help with that should you need it.” Josey’s tablet beeped again and pulled his attention from the moment and Penny took the opportunity to sweep her eyes around the place, which was really just a cover for her to sneak in glances at Henry who was back to staring at the ground and looking lost. She wanted to rumple his hair and feed him so desperately. She wondered what kind of cookies were his favorite. Chocolate chip, she thought, who didn’t like chocolate chip? But then Josie was excusing them since he had to talk to Henry. She just nodded at the two men and began actually doing what she’d been pretending to do, looking around the kitchen, trying to figure where everything lay. It wasn’t so different from some of the early places she’d worked, cafeterias and large scale places. Certainly not as specified as her last few gigs which had been straight up artesian bakeries. She’d really been able to stretch her skills there but had almost missed the simpler work of a less rarified establishment. But this was a spaceship, she reminded herself. For all that people seemed to be so wonderful and normal it was hard to escape the grim reality of their mission: survival of the species. Well a species needed food and she aimed to make it more than just sustenance. She hadn’t moved when the men returned, just turned in place, her hazel eyes sparkling as they sought out familiar equipment. She turned toward the two men, a faint vanilla spiked scent reminiscent of sugar cookies filled the air between them, answering Henry’s earlier pondered question. She’d just located a rather large and shiny looking stand mixer that filled her with familiar comfort. Her smile focused on the younger man who stood before her. Her expression was sweet and expectant as she waited for him to speak since he clearly had something to say. Chocolate chip cookies, she was certain of it. With milk, cold milk. Her smile didn’t last, it tried, oh how it tried. As he spoke, her already pale skin took on a new pallor which was something like curdled milk. Her smile stayed in place valiantly but in the end it faltered as her forehead puckered in confusion and worry. [i]Why was he telling her this?[/i], was her absent thought. Her eyes looking past Henry to see Josey’s grim expression. She shook her head as if denying something but confusion was the primary emotion written on her sweet face. She didn’t like that the decision was on her, especially not with Henry standing right there before her looking like a puppy kicked to many times. But was he a puppy? He’d raped someone, he’d just said as much. But he’d been let out and… She shook her head again. It wasn’t fair. She didn’t want to make any such decision, she didn’t want to kick anyone, she just wanted to make bread and cookies and not be put on the spot. “No…” she said. Then “Um, I mean…” She was wringing her soft, baker’s hand before her. “I don’t even know where the flour is.” She whispered to the floor that had been of such interest to Henry just a moment before. But then they were joined by another and his voice with its strange accent and open entreaty pulled her eyes up from the floor to fix on his open, honest face. She liked his smile but she hadn’t the faintest idea what he’d said for all that his voice had rolled over her like warm caramel. She’d been too lost in worry and discomfort to even have attempted to follow along but Josey had certainly followed enough to have picked out some words and she felt her cheeks pink up at the words repeated back. But there was nothing in the new man’s face to indicate and insult. She felt off-kilter enough with Henry’s confession to be happy not to add insults sent her way to the list. Benefit of the doubt seemed the best course of action for everything. She would not be put on the spot and so with sweet side-stepping and a desperate need for distraction she offered her hand to Mr. Pumphrey, her smile sweet for all that her eyes looked sad and worried. She hoped he didn’t notice that her hand was shaking. “Hello Mr. Pumphrey, I’m Penny, Penny Raffin and I have no idea what you just said but I want you to say it again.”