Jack was taken aback by the vehemence in the big chef's voice. The custodian had no idea what he might have said that was so wrong or offensive to anyone, much less the foxy head in the room! He ended up blinking several times as he tried to think of exactly what to say. Thankfully he was saved as said young woman almost seemed to rush forward to greet him. At this, Jack could only smile in gratitude down at her. He couldn't help but smile, actually. She was a sweet, plump little thing with pleasant face, and there was something about her being in the kitchen that just looked all to proper to Jack. He had always thought there was something to how a person looked as to what they should be doing in life, and while he admitted it was a flawed theory, this girl looked as though she knew her way around a kitchen! It actually made him... slightly homesick for The Rock. Jack pondered if there might be anyway in the future he might be able to sneak down to the kitchens more often to strike up more of a chat with her. "Yes, b'y, duck!" he agreed amenably, "And isn't dat just the proper way to say hello to a new face, I must say. A right stick of gum, too! Never mind wit dat 'mister' stuff, m'love, I'm not dat formal a man. Pumphrey is fine enough wit out any honors in front of it, Jack is all the better from a friend's gob, isn't it just? So I'll be Jack to you if you'd be so kind here as to be Penny to me. " Jack took the offered hand and shook it in a warm, dry, but calloused grip, the smile on his lips reaching up to his hazel green eyes as looked directly into hers. There was nothing but open honesty in both the handshake and the gaze. He wasn't so why the larger of the men had so dour a look on his face, nor why the younger man looked as if he'd just been kicked, but Jack was thankful enough at the woman's greeting that he paid them no mind. Releasing her hand but keeping his gaze on her, he reiterated what he had said in that same bizarre lilting accent that came rapid fire from out of his mouth. "Now as I were sayin, I were wondering if you had an old slut about you'd no use fer? Wide bottom, narrow at da top, so tall?" Jack's hands made a vague pattern in the air. "It'd have to be fairly large for what I'm having in mind, y'see, which is a bit of screech to help keep us all from gettin' shinnicked. And ain't this ship's air just sumptin' at times, cold enough to skin ya!" He grinned wider as a thought came to him and chuckled. "'Course, in here wit da stoves it probably poisons ya outright so you may not have much of a t'ought to it! Still, if I can get a brew of it, we can have a proper screechin' in! Which is why I was wonderin' if there was any lassy about I might lay my hands on. Hard to make screech without lassy!" Ending his humorous ramble with a friendly wink at Penny, he waited for a reply. There was a long moment of silence as waited for that reply, and in that moment it dawned on the Newfie that these were people from the States. Like his family's neighbors, they probably had their own words for things and did't know the proper way of saying what any given object was. Looking from face to face, he could see the confusion plainly on everyone's features. With a slight cough, Jack settled his gaze back on Penny's as hers at least was the prettiest and friendliest of the confused expressions to look at. "A slut," he repeated a little slower as though trying to jog her memory, confident that she knew what he was talking about but had just forgotten. "Like for brewing tea, b'y? And lassy. Molasses for making Lassy Mogs and the like? I'm needing a few udder tings, like pipes an' tubing, sure, but t'tought I would try my luck here first, you see. It's damn shame there's little enough of a drop to be had on the ship, so I were hopin' wit da help of a few new coves that were of a like mind I might just make da most of that shame and do a small batch of black rum... if I can get da parts we're sore lackin' anyways!" Jack's grin turned sheepish as he continued to focus on Penny. "I just didn't want to cause a fuss about it, is all! Sure, b'y, and da officers about are fine men and women, but dey may not take too kindly to it so I were hoping to keep this here under da boards. So if the answers a no, then I'll understand well enough and be on me way and not a anudder ting' said, eh?"