"It does." Antoine agreed readily to Ms. Albright's question -rhetorical or not- noting the sudden shyness that seemed to take her. He rose slowly, watching her continue to lavish attention upon the eager Mowzer and nodding along with her words. Not that she really seemed to be concerned if he was paying attention or not. Maybe that was thanks to his own charming personality, that of course he would hang upon her every lovely word. The only other explanation, really, was that Mowzer held her so in thrall that anything outside of scritching him was simply noise. Either option was just as likely as the other, of course, despite how Ms. Albright seemed completely unable to tear her eyes away from the cat by her side... or despite the unnervingly intelligent glances his pet kept tossing his way. Okay, maybe the two options weren't so evenly weighed upon the scales. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Albright." She did turn her attention towards him after a while, at least, Mowzer seeming to take this as his queue to move on for now. With nothing so much as a second glance back at the two humans, the cat strode away and out of the auditorium. Of course, now that Ms. Albright had been marked as a human more than willing to fawn over him, Mowzer was unlikely to stay away for too long. Which worked just as well for Antoine as he traded grips with the young veterinarian. "I imagine he could be convinced to stop by before too long." He grinned along with the words, imagining finally being able to 'trick' Mowzer into a thorough examination. "And I may have to take up your offer on the antiseptic, too. He seems to take quite some pride in his claws..." ~-~-~-~ Well, that was a nice change of pace from the recent days. Satisfied for the first time in what seemed like ages, Mowzer left the wonderful human with his own for now. He thought he could smell other animals on her as she pet him, the subtle lingering scents that reminded him of his favorite grounds. So the wonderful human spent time with other animals, then? No wonder she knew just how to attend him... though he might have to make sure she didn't forget him for some... [i]other[/i]. But that would come later. Right now Mowzer was feeling quite well-scritched again, like the days when his Human actually knew who to pay attention to. It was time for another walk, then, maybe take a nap in one of those nice, pod-like things inside the huge room. He had no need to read the directions printed far too high up to help the humans along, remembering easily how to get where he needed to. There was quite a bit of noise coming from the large room, noises from humans and other ones he didn't quite recognize. Of course, now that humans were moving around everywhere, they'd be causing all sorts of problems, wouldn't they? Well, as long as they left his favorite pod-thing alone, there'd be no problem at all. In this large, wonderful new home, danger seemed to have gone away forever, noise meaning safety and scritches rather than something to be concerned over. A good thing, certainly, and so Mowzer strut his way into the hangar that was his current favorite nap-room. His favorite 'pod-thing' was a mining vessel thankfully set further down the line, away from most of the humans. Another excellent fortune on top of an increasingly good day, Mowzer giving an extra little twitch of his upraised tail in pleasure as he made his way down the walkways, nothing more than sleep upon his mind.