[b] Enrique-Haywood [/b] Enrique couldn't look at the carnage he had wrought he only watched Amanda, he put his hand on her shoulder and nodded to confirm she was okay. Enrique heard Aoife and showed a grim expression, he knew he was in the wrong he knew he had truly fucked up, he was going to atone for it. However he could he was going to atone for the hand he played in Tyler's deception. "I know, I know what I did." Enrique said coldly, "I was led to believe that I was helping a man get his daughter, I was told the men who had her were bandits. I see now that Tyler was the bandit, that the little girl however blood related isn't his daughter." Enrique stood and put some wieght on his wounded leg, he could stand and hobble but he certainly wasn't going for a run. He knew Tyler had gone inside and picked up his pistol setting it into his belt line, he hobbled over to his axe and scooped it off the ground fastening it to his belt. He looked over at the kid from the rifle range, he lifted him off his feet. He looked over at Amanda and motioned for her to come help. The kid was in a blank, he wasn't registering anything, Enrique waved his hands in front of the kids face. Then he did the only sense able thing to do, he pimp slapped the kid. His eyes refocused, he looked at Enrique then at Amanda. "Are you okay?" Amanda asked the kid, he nodded but didn't look it. He looked sick to his stomach, likely because of Enrique. "Sorry kiddo," Enrique said turning away he lifted his shirt and found a dry patch then wiped away the blood on his face, he was careful to remove any kind of evidence of his rampage from his face. He turned back to the kid and put a hand on his shoulder. "Amanda is gonna take care of you till we get somewhere safe." Enrique said solemnly, he looked back at Aoife, he knew she had no reason to forgive him he had fucked up massively. He hobbled towards her keeping his hands out to his sides to show he meant no harm. "I'm sorry, and I don't expect you to be play with it. But if you keep me with you lot, when I'm back to a state of not dieing I will let you kick the shit out of me. No holding back, you'll be free to knock my fucking head off. But for now I want to help, I'm not much more than a cripple for now but in a few weeks I'll be right as rain and that's when you can kick my ass."