Character You Would Like to Play: Thor Odinson Real Name: Jared Ronald Canon or OC: Canon Character Alignment: Hero Appearance/Costume: [hider=costume][img=] [/hider] [hider=normal][img=] [/hider] Origin/History of Your Character: Thor, the mighty Norse god of thunder, son of Odin the All-Father, king of Asgard, was as arrogant and haughty as they came, no power or strength could stand in his way save for his father's and he always flaunted that fact, never letting anyone forget it. To add to that, his love and hunger for power and war caused him to nearly start a war between two realms which Asgard managed to diffuse before anything major could happen. Although the conflict was successfully resolved before a full out war could erupt, Odin was infuriated with his son's actions and so cast him out of Asgard and into Midgard, the realm of men and mortals, and to further add to the humiliation of his banishment, his powers and godhood were stripped from him and he was thus forced to live as a mortal. It took him several months, but he eventually came to terms with his banishment and quickly made a life for himself as a doctor just outside of Dallas. Several years into his mortalhood, he went out on a date with a nurse by the name of Janette Ayerling in downtown Dallas when an alien force, seeking to conquer earth attacked Dallas among many other cities worldwide, headed by his mischievous brother, Loki. Angered by the way his brother so easily started taking the lives of dozens of people, he offered himself as a sacrifice so that the thousands of citizens wouldn't be harmed. Taking his brother's offer, Loki went in for a killing blow that was stopped dead in it's track by a sudden flash of lightning. The act of selflessness, witnessed by the All-Father, returned Thor's powers back to him and there he defeated his brother and ended the the alien invasion with the help of Asgard. Thor now permanently resides in Midgard as a doctor, under the name of Jared, periodically returning to Asgard to visit family and to eat from the Apple of Youth. Powers and Abilities (If Any): Superhuman strength Superhuman durability Superhuman stamina Control of lightning Control of weather to some degree Ability to fly (with help of Mjolnir) Weapons (If Any): Mjolnir Supporting Cast (If Any): N/A Other: He loves apple pie, especially apple pie made from the Apples of Youth found in Asgard. Sample Post (must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs with at least 2 lines of dialogue from your character): The hit was strong. Strong enough to send him flying through several buildings before coming to a stop. He didn't even see it coming; no one did. One minute he was driving towards work, the next he's ripped out of his car by some massive beast and punched from out of nowhere. It felt like the hulk gave him one of his best sucker punches. Looking around, he noticed he was in some office building, wires hanging around and a few lifeless bodies under a load of rubble while the rest of the workers looked at him with mixed shock and horror. He stood with a grunt and began walking out of the whole he made, whispering his apology to the deceased as he held out his hand. Within a few seconds Mjolnir snapped into his grip and a flash of thunder betook him, ripping away the mortal clothes he wore and revealing his Asgardian armour. Thor swung his enchanted hammer a few cycles before directing it towards the creature that punched him, and before he knew it he was flying, a mighty roar escaping his gaping mouth. With a sudden crack, Mjolnir crashed into the creature's face, sending it tumbling down the street and through a few buildings that came crashing down. The creature roared and rushed towards him, it's grey-green skin glistening in the morning sun as it swung at Thor. In front of him, the people were rushing away from the scene, trying to get as far away as possible, while others were trying to run and film the action at the same time. [i]Mortals[/i], Thor rolled his eyes and dodged the creature's swings and followed by smashing it's right kneecap. With the creature partially immobile and on it's fours, Thor walked towards its front, looking at it's ugly, tusked face, and into it's black, abysmal eyes. With a roar of pent up aggression and rage he raised Mjolnir, thunder clapping over head as lightning reigned down in response to Thor's command and sent the hammer down on his opponent's head in full force, trailed by a streak of lighting. The monster's head smashed onto the ground with an audible crunch and blue blood splattered everywhere as it's lifeless body went through a terrible shudder before going limp. The scene was chaos, with at least three buildings completely destroyed and a large body count of civilians. A few of them on the street itself when the creature first emerged, smashing cars under it's heavy weight and powerful, and massive legs. Sirens were heard off in the distance, quickly drawing closer with a helicopter already overhead reporting the scene. Thor gave an audible sigh as he walked away from the crime scene. He hated these random attacks solely because of the large death toll they brought along - if he knew the creature was going to arrive, he would have prepared and tried to prevent as many lives from being lost as possible, but that was out of his hands and he could only hope they would find a couple of survivors among the wreckage who would no doubt join the growing crowd of people who had complaints against him and others of his kind.