Artemis blinked as the creator disappeared. People around her seemed to panic murmur among one another. Was this guy for real? She couldn't believe it, no, she just didn't understand. So what, suddenly they were stuck in this death game? Really? As she was informed of getting an item, she went through the menu, and a small mirror landed in her hands. As she turned to ask Apollo what it was, he was enveloped in a blue light, as were several others. No longer the buff, dark haired man, he appeared exactly as he did in real life--blonde haired, blue eyed, slender young man. She gasped as she, too, was surrounded by that light and it dissipated. She looked into the mirror and saw her face--her own face. Her eyes were hazel and her hair was blonde again. It was scary how accurate it was, it even got the exact length of her hair as it hung just above her knees. "I-I don't get it, how...?" She picked up her now blonde locks, letting them slip from her fingers back to their resting place. Chaos erupted soon after. Apollo grabbed his sister's wrist, simultaneously pushing through people and pulling her along. The girl gripped her brother's hand and tried to keep up and prevent herself from getting dragged. Once they were free from the crowd, he placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at her straight in the eye. "Listen to me, we are going to get out of this." He told her sternly, his gaze one of determination. "You need to trust and believe in me, no matter what happens I will protect you, we will survive this. We have to work together--I have your back and you have mine. Do you understand?" He was so serious. It was so unlike him, it almost scared her. Her lower lip quivered slightly, and she already felt the tears in her eyes. She closed her eyes and willed them away. If there was one thing she was certain about it was that when her brother promised something, he meant it. She opened her eyes and nodded, making sure there was no hint of doubt or fear in her face. "Yes." She told him, her determination matching his. "Good." Apollo let out a sigh of relief, though he pulled her into a hug. "I dragged you here. I'll get you out, I swear it." He told her quietly, though he broke the hug and took her hand again. The two began to make their way out of the central plaza.