Sailing on a ship was one thing (even if Rilolia found herself below deck 24/7), but experiencing the waters of the world on the edge of an island was entirely different. It elicited images of tranquility and exotic nature, like some vacation resort decked out with palm trees and fancy juice drinks. Rilolia took it all in for a moment, and turned her head to wash away the island's facade; just a few dozen feet away, the image was instead replaced by the grungy, rusted, disparaging scene of a series of docks. Dirty men hauled in foul smelling fish and seagulls defecated wherever they pleased. "Bleh," Rilolia grimaced. She had flown from the ship's deck to the island several minutes before it itself had made port, finding herself in the heart of the docks as the [i]Laurentine[/i] began to switch direction and stop itself further from the action. Her noble nose wished that she had done the same. Rilolia stretched a few times and perused off further onto the island, eventually coming across the pathway leading to Frelia. On multiple occasions, she caught herself witnessing Yazulayne attempting to procure a job, but she kept to herself and let the elf do her own thing. She didn't exactly want to catch herself in something annoying, fueled by the quirkiness of the two-faced elf. Rilolia reached into her coat and fished for a packet of blood... to no avail. Frantically, she shuffled through her pockets to find some source of sustenance, and found nothing. Falling back in the outdoors bar seat, she sighed. "Well shit," she moaned. The last one must have been when she still had Dead Gear, and was climbing the mountain. She patted her cloth a few more times, just in case, before truly giving up. She would have to find some unfortunate creature around town in the dark of night if she was to get anything at all. Being so far from Talze Uterra, Rilolia highly doubted that Frelia ever really dealt with vampires, and lacked any sort of purchasable blood for her. For now, however, she had other matters to attend to, and her stomach would have to wait some more. Rilolia picked herself up from the seat, ignoring the complimentary ale that had been placed on her table minutes prior by a perky barmaid, and looked for the [i]right[/i] bar that Chad had spoken of.