[i]"I think politicians are worse than farm work. Farm work is honest work, at least."[/i] -Queen Kouri, Page 1. --- [b][center]Mikan & Rayvon[/center][/b] (Optional collab: Mikan and Rayvon. Purely character advancement.) --- Shortly after the ball ended Rayvon ascended through the castle, following Mikan's instructions for a private meeting. Knocking on a wooden door in a stone hall, she would hear someone stumbling and after a few moments, the door creaks open to reveal the smiling face of a nine year old. [b]"Hi! Mommy said to expect someone."[/b] He says shyly as he pushes his cowboy hat down to try and hide his burgeoning blush. [b]"You're pretty."[/b] Rayvon, having had her shoulders squared and arms locked behind her back relaxes at the sight of the small caballero. She smiles slightly and loosens her hands, reaching out and ruffling the hat upon his head. [b]"Hey there, handsome man... Is your mother busy?..."[/b] She tries not to peer over his head to scan the room, but she does anyways, scanning the room beyond and taking in the scene beyond. She could sense Mikan nearby regardless of her inability to see her. The sense of the corruption prickling ever so slightly. She tries to keep her smile upon her face though as she focuses her faze back upon the boy, though. [b]"That's a very nice hat you have. Where did you get it?"[/b] [b]"I dunno... Mommy came home with it one day."[/b] The child replies as he looks back with her into their quarters. They were rather large, with separate bedrooms for both of them, even, along with a common living space. Luxury, really, by most standards of single mothers. Mikan strolls out into the common room, and noticing Rayvon, ushers her inside. [b]"Come in, come in, thanks for coming so quickly."[/b] She says, her hands shaking a little. At the ball, she had managed to convince herself to wear a dress. Here at her home, it was nothing but shorts and a loose fitting shirt. Instinctively, Mikan recoils around a corner, only keeping her head peeked out. Partially knowing Rayvon's nature, and partially because of gut feelings that Rayvon gave her. Looking at her son, she smiled gently and motioned him to his room. [b]"You've met the stranger, now go to your room and get some sleep, it's way too late for you."[/b] She gives a small wave to the child as he departs giving him a kind smile before looking to Mikan uncertainly, walking past the door and awkwardly closing it behind her after checking that no one had followed. [b]"I did not know you had a son,"[/b] she says, an honest note of surprise in her voice as she stares at the door, uncertain if he would be listening in at the door like she used to many a time as a child. Mikan quickly motions Rayvon over, into her room. [b]"Well, good, it means I'm keeping him safe from adventure... Has his father's fiery blood in him."[/b] She mentions softly as she enters her room, a little sway in her hips as she curled her fingers a few times to try and battle off the shakes. Her room was lit by candles, though most prominently her bed which sat by an open window. A large, queen sized bed, that gave away more about her life style than she would likely care to admit to Rayvon at this moment. She sits quietly on her bed, looking up at Rayvon to close the door. Rayvon furrows her brow, closing the door quietly and stays by the door, staring across at Mikan as she folds her arms across the silk tunic over her chest. [b]"I would not have guessed it from the shy child I just saw, but, that was just a stranger meeting a child for the first time. I hear children always act different around me, anyways..."[/b] She lets her gaze take in the room with curiosity, never having taken in such a scenery before and it was unusual to her. Almost like a shrine to sleep. [b]"Of course, on to other matters... I will be honest, It is unusual, you know, for it to be requested of me to speak in private. It is not very often that I do not speak in the open, leave alone be asked to the home of the spymaster herself."[/b] [b]"Well, this is a personal matter, not one of the affairs of state."[/b] Mikan says softly with a sigh as she looks at her hands. Still shaking... Drat. [b]"You can sense it, I know you can... I also know you can... Help me. Not completely, I know, but..."[/b] Mikan looks up to Rayvon patting her bed sheets and motioning for Rayvon to sit with her. [b]"... I need your help. So I can keep doing my duty to the crown... If you will. Help me, that is."[/b] She says with a giggle. Rayvon shuffles uncomfortably before edging closer and sitting beside Mikan. She swallows nervously and begins to raise a hand up before pausing. [b]"It's not a complete process, not yet. I... I am not a real angel and am still learning, but I can ease it. And I will, as much as I can, as often as I can as long as you want me to..."[/b] She shifts her hand, brushing back Mikan's hair. [b]"I'm not going to tell you what you should and should not do... that is... for you to decide... But do not feel like it is a burden. It is my duty and I am happy to do so."[/b] She smiles awkwardly and folds her hands in her lap, shrugging slightly. Mikan quietly grasps Rayvon's hands and grins childishly. [b]"Well you help me and I'll help you then. Just... Do what you can. I have no idea how this works."[/b] She squeezes Rayvon's hands, then scoots herself to be close to Rayvon. [b]"So... What do you do?"[/b] Rayvon closes her eyes before raising a hand and places it over Mikan's heart. She takes a deep breath before raising the other and placing it over Mikan's brow. Mind. Heart. Under her breath, Rayvon begins to utter the litany of the purification as her father had taught her so long ago, that Gabriel had allowed her to control her emotions better of recently. She controls her emotions and her breath begins to come out in wisps of light and flow into Mikan. The darker corruption begins to flow out of Mikan and in through Rayvon's hands slowly. The Aasimar begins to feel it slowly and shudder. It begins to feel prickling in her skin. The room begins to feel hotter and her breath begins to quicken. Beneath her hands she suddenly begins to notice the flesh beneath her hands, warm and soft. Her cheeks grow flushed and she begins to open her eyes ever so slight and see glistening emerald eyes staring back at her. Her breath catches and suddenly the connection severs. She jerks back, panting and staring at Mikan, eyes wide as she stares upon the spymaster upon the bed. [b]"I..."[/b] She swallows and shudders, tugging at her clothes that suddenly felt a lot more silken upon her. [b]"Did it work?..."[/b] Mikan looks at her hands. They had stopped shaking, and she sighs with relief, though seeing Rayvon's eyes told her enough. [b]"I am, but..."[/b] She frowns a little. [b]"That was... Fast, too fast, I think..."[/b] Without a moment's hesitation she brushes a hand gently against Rayvon's cheek. [b]"I can tell... You feel a piece of it now, don't you."[/b] She blushes and nods slightly, withdrawing some from her hand, fighting the urge to lean in against her hand. [b]"I... It should pass..."[/b] She shivers and shifts her legs, eyes passing over Mikan as if taking her in for the first time. Mikan giggles, realizing Rayvon's naivety and stretches, intentionally pushing out her chest. [b]"Like what you see now that you see it with different eyes?"[/b] Teasing Rayvon playfully, she grasps Rayvon's arms and pulls her further onto the large bed. [b]"Lay down on your stomach. You're staying here for tonight... A lot of people would take advantage of you like this, and I have to repay you for what you've done for me anyway."[/b] She chews her lip before nodding compliantly. The paladin shifts with a small squeak, moving further onto the bed while watching Mikan, drawing her arms closer about herself as she moves onto her belly. [b]"Sorry to be a bother... I was not sure that would actually happen, though, the person who taught me said there was a chance..."[/b] She swallows nervously, watching the way Mikan's body moves. There was no doubt in her mind that the demons in the ballroom had been succubi now. [b]"Heh..."[/b] Mikan's grin turns to a softer smile. [b]"I have two people who teach me things too..."[/b] Firmly placing one of her knees between Rayvon's legs she leans over-top of Rayvon, then rests her hands on Rayvon's upper back. [b]"You're nervous... The tension in your muscles is ridiculous, I won't hurt you... Relax."[/b] Slowly the palms of her hands push into her back, and start gently caressing and moving, massaging gently. Immediately a few dozen cracks resound through the room. [b]"... You've also never had a massage."[/b] Mikan giggles. She lets out a grunt of surprise before shuddering with an appreciative groan. [b]"What heavenly torture..."[/b] She closes her eyes and slowly lets herself sink into the down bedding. [b]"Very well... If you promise no tricks... and to keep such wonderful magic up... I can let down my guard for now..."[/b] Slowly, though rhythmically, her hands move down Rayvon's back, following the length of her spine, until reaching her lower back. With a playful giggle she slips her hands underneath the shirt to massage the bare skin at the lower back, only to feel the hint of something. A slight frown crosses her lips as she lifts Rayvon's silk shirt further, to her mid back, revealing the scars. Breathlessly her fingers softly trace the scars. [b]"... It's true... Oh... I am so sorry..."[/b] Still, her hands continue to massage Rayvon after a brief moment, now a little harder to get at the deeper points of tension. [b]"You needn't worry... I won't whisper to a soul."[/b] Rayvon fidgets at the contact on the scar tissue before cooing softly and burying her face against the bed. [b]"As long as you do not tell,"[/b] she whispers, her voice trembling with repressed feelings. Mikan seems to ponder for a moment before suddenly pulling the silk shirt up to Rayvon's neck. Slipping herself up so that her leg was between Rayvon's thighs, she kisses the back of Rayvon's neck, then leans down and wraps her arms around her belly. Falling beside her, she holds Rayvon close, and kisses the back of Rayvon's neck once again. [b]"Turn around..."[/b] She whispers softly. [b]"No funny business..."[/b] Still shivering from the kisses from the back of her neck, she nods slowly and submits to following the request. She turns around slowly, opening her eyes and waits for what Mikan had planned. Her breath coming in uneven, shaking rasps. As Rayvon rolls over, she would see Mikan slipping her shirt off. All over her abdomen were several scars, some small, some large. Some long and straight, others wide and jagged. Mikan's gentle smile is the next thing she would see. [b]"I'm frail too. Legend though I may be."[/b] Her leg remains between Rayvon's thighs as she pulls Rayvon in closely, nuzzling into her neck. [b]"Whatever feelings or emotions coursing through you, underneath... Let them go... You are not alone, and I will be here."[/b] She looks Rayvon eye to eye and gently rubs her nose against Rayvon's nose. [b]"Whether that's giving into your desires, or letting some of your pain go... You helped with my burden. I will help with yours."[/b] She continues to look Rayvon eye to eye, lust in her eyes, but also genuine empathetic care, matching her words. [b]"Just let go..."[/b] She takes in the sight with confusion, the zig-zagging lines and cross-hatching scars with horror as her jaw hangs open. She swallows as her mouth tries to work with words before she shakes her head, giving up. She finally does something, drawing Mikan tight in her arms and buries her face against her as she chokes out a sob. The tears do not stop as the floodgate breaks down and stream begins to pour through relentlessly, shaking her whole body with the fit of release. Ushering further words of comfort and calm, Mikan holds Rayvon for the rest of the night until they both fall into a deep sleep. Possible some of the best sleep either of them will have had in weeks. --- [b][center]Mikan & Taigyn[/center][/b] (Optional collab: Taigyn and Mikan. Same story as above: Character advancement.) --- Taigyn grunts and gets up from the the sheets in the guest quarters he was assigned. He scratches the scruff of his beard and the stubble that had grown. He smiles slightly, tugging at the silk shift he had donned late the night before and goes over to the basin, unpacking his supplies to find the grooming kit to trim himself up and frowning in the polished steel mirror at the glints of silver peeking through his rusty blonde hair. [b]"You really are getting old... Imagine how bad you would be feeling if you had drunk like some of the others,"[/b] he chuckles, cleaning his razor in the water before washing his face with a towel and retrieving clothes to change for the day. As he retrieves his clothes, there's a knock at his door. Likely a maid with his morning meal, or a friend come to greet him. Tightening his belt and slipping on his leather boots still, he shuffles awkwardly to the door. He grunts and raises his chin, hair still wet and slicked back as he fumbles for the door with one hand in his disarray. Friend or maid, he hardly cared if they saw him in his disarray and none of the other dignitaries would be so mad (or used to, would they?) to call him at such hours that were normally befit to working class and military folk only, surely. The door opens, revealing a somewhat tall maid with distinctly feminine curves underneath her dress. Her face is obscured by a hood, but the tray of food she's carrying makes her purpose clear. [b]"Are you hungry?"[/b] She asks, her voice immediately familiar though not quite recognizable. Taigyn pauses for a moment, stomach grumbling at the intoxicating scent of the food and the sight of the food but the familiar ring to that voice throws him off for a moment. He pauses for a moment, alarm bells begin to go off in his head, as some of Davian's words sound off in his head. Cautiously, he raises a hand and whispers a word of magic beneath his breath. A soft breeze rolls out from his palm and washes warmly with glimmers of light against her cheeks before knocking back the hood to reveal... ...Mikan, who smiles and blushes slightly as she taps the floor with one of her feet. [b]"Oh gosh mister, is this how you flirt with all the maids or just me?"[/b] A bubbly, ever so familiar giggle escapes her lips as she grabs a piece of bacon and nibbles on the end of it suggestively. [b]"No poison."[/b] He chuckles and rolls his shoulder nonchalantly, [b]"Only the ones too dangerous to be maids..."[/b] He watches her chew on the bacon with a pout, scratching his beard, [b]"And since it is not poison, I think... I would most definitely enjoy some."[/b] He clutches his belly in show, [b]"My power, ugh, it is waning, help a poor man."[/b] [b]"Mm... I think I can manage that."[/b] She says teasing him as she brings the piece of bacon to his lips. [b]"How's this?"[/b] She says, feigning innocence as she stretches, showing off her rather attractive figure. Taigyn takes a bite, accidentally sucking upon her finger as he takes notice of her stretching from the peripheral of his eye. His cheeks begin to flush with colour as he straightens himself up and swallows with a slight splutter. After choking down the last of his food, he ruffles through his hair, [b]"That was, ah, rather nice..."[/b] [b]"Aww, just nice?"[/b] With a little exaggeration her lip quivers, before she looks at Taigyn's blushing face. [b]"I think it was a little more than nice."[/b] She says, sliding closer to him and hugging him. [b]"Guess I will need to work on it before I go to the Free Holds, huh?"[/b] He pauses before smiling and draping his arms about her waist. [b]"Are you just playing with me again, Fox... Or am I suppose to be expecting something else?"[/b] He searches her face for an answer, not that he had ever found anything other than her teasing him for the past ten years. [b]"Whoever said I was just playing, Templar..."[/b] Mikan whispers as she brings a finger across his lips. [b]"You just didn't hear me right years ago."[/b] She draws closer to him still, pushing herself against him. [b]"Ever wanted to catch the Green Fox?"[/b] She says with a giggle. He raises a hand up, caressing a hand along her cheek, confusion apparent upon his face for a moment. Not just at her words but from a menagerie of emotions running through him. He opens his mouth before sighing and leaning in, kissing her brow. [b]"I always have. I thought that was clear. I just never wanted to share you with others. I never thought we could be with my returning to Rheinfeld, either. How could that ever be fair to either of us?..."[/b] Mikan sighs and looks around Taigyn. Noticing the bed as the best possible option, she shakes her head slowly. [b]"You are such a stubborn man..."[/b] Suggestively sliding her leg up against his, she leans on him and rests her arms around his neck, feeling comfortable with his arms around her waist. [b]"It's been ten years... We made it through all manner of terrible things, and yet, more awaits us around the corner... I mean, you're going back to a civil war, I'm going to infiltrate the Free Holds in the same place I nearly... Well..."[/b] She looks away from him, towards the floor. [b]"This might really be the only chance either of us has before we are dead, married, or married and dead."[/b] She giggles, then goes up onto the tips of her toes, brushing her lips against his. [b]"Trust me..."[/b] Taigyn pulls her tighter against him, kissing her hard upon the lips and rumbles, [b]"I do trust you..."[/b] He frowns and rests his brow to hers, keeping her close against her, [b]"But what would be so wrong if I were to ask you to marry me, hmm?..."[/b] His hands explore along her waist before slipping along to her hand, slipping his fingers between hers. [b]"Would that be so terrible a fate?..."[/b] [b]"Is that a proposition?..."[/b] Mikan mumbles against his lips. [b]"I would not be the right woman for that... But... Marriage... Taigyn, honey. Marriage doesn't make love..."[/b] She gently pushes him towards his bed, still intent on getting what she wanted, but nonetheless continuing to try to get through his crusty exterior. [b]"Taigyn... I love you, I do. And I will stand with you until we are both long dead. Until you find someone to marry, but... Well."[/b] One of her hands slides down his chest, then lightly grasps between his legs. [b]"Someone has got to teach you how to use this... And..."[/b] Her hand then drifts up to his chest. [b]"... This. And if all of this is over, and its just you and me at the end... You can bet we will talk about marriage."[/b] A grunt comes from him at her roaming hands as he grasps her chin and tugs her in for a demanding kiss, unable to think of words for a few spinning moments. Stalling, caught in that moment, he tries to recollect his thoughts, [b]"Fine, but do not think I will let it go so easily... But for now... I think you may have a point..."[/b] An expression passes over his face, far more primal and unrefined than anything Mikan would have seen as he rolls them both over, pinning her beneath him as he growls from deep in his chest. [b]"Right now, something has been to build far too long, Fox..."[/b] [b]"Oh my~"[/b] Mikan replies as her breath catches in her throat. In a moment he became so... Commanding. She responds by wrapping her legs around his waist, then leaning up to whisper in his ear. [b]"There is nothing under this dress..."[/b] She giggles, then groans meekly. [b]"And oh, it seems I've been captured..."[/b] Taigyn smirks as he leans down, brushing his lips tenderly against hers as his hands roam exploratively along her body as he had only imagined so many times across the years. [b]"I am not much of a mage... But I bet I can make that dress disappear,"[/b] he jokes crudely. Biting her lip with excitement she giggles as she rolls them over, sitting on his waist gleefully as she starts to unbutton and loosen her dress. [b]"We'll see how long it takes a thief to get through your clothes..."[/b] --- [b][center]Imperium - Anima Aeternum[/center][/b] --- Having departed from the Mage's Guild with guides into magical network of hallways and corridors, Raen Delaeseris Elvarasi, Aslo, Doctor Steven Adian Gremlock, Murderok, & Gryff all arrive in the Imperium's small mage's outpost. It was nothing glorious to look at, with a meagre detachment of mostly young recruits from the Imperium. Quickly ushered away on horseback, they arrived in a small port, where Florence Merryweather joined up with them. Sailing across the Blood Sea, they quickly came to the island referenced: There, only one hill stood eerily in the centre of the island, which was nothing more than blood soaked rock. There was a small detachment of Imperium soldiers, though once again they looked fairly young and inexperienced. On the north side of the hill was a dug out entrance through almost a quarter of a mile of rock, belying the deep, reinforced structure underneath the island. Immediately, Steven Gremlock would recognize two familiar things: The scent of gunpowder, and the feeling of rather potent magic coming from within. Walking deeper inside, Florence ordered his men to stay behind save for two, grabbed a number of torches, and proceeded down into the catacombs. Traveling the short distance with ease, they come upon a doorway, tall and proud. It was at this point that Florence finally began to explain things to them. [b]"Before the nightmarish cataclysm that struck us, the sea as it is now was not as large as it was then. While we had indeed dug underground corridors, we had not exactly accounted for magic to nearly drown this entire island of what was once a small but productive colonia. While I oversaw the construction of this place, that was ten thousand years ago... I'm not sure if I will clearly remember the passages we tread in."[/b] He strolls forward and rests his hand over the ancient door. It had been constructed impressively to survive ten thousand years, but what few Imperial ruins and the like that remained were remarkable wonders of construction. Florence then opens the door simply and plainly. Even he seemed surprised however by how well preserved the door was as it opened without any issue. More surprising was the lit torches inside. Without warning, a loud, raspy voice echoes out to them. [b]"Welcome new Voices! The Choir will be thanking you, personally, for freeing it and the Others. For returning the voices ripped from the Choir... One of them, anyway."[/b] Florence squints as he looks inside, seeing torches lit on dust free stone walls he gritted his teeth and scowled. [b]"Magic."[/b] He says with distaste as he looks back to the Queen's Blades. [b]"Now you know why I brought you."[/b] He motions for them to lead the way, then quickly returns his hand to his gladius. He was equipped in typical heavy armour for an Imperial soldier, metal plates and a large shield, along with a pair of pilum on his back. His two soldiers shared the same armament. Inside, the doorway quickly left them with a simple choice: Walking down a tight corridor to the left or to the right. It had just enough space for Gryff and Murderok to stand side by side, but no more than that. Florence looks inside, and look of concentration reaches his eyes. [b]"The one to the left... Leads... To the armoury. The one to the right leads to... A dining hall. Either path would be sufficient for moving towards the artifact chamber. It is your lead. My men and I will follow."[/b] --- [b][center]Rheinfeld - Scheideweg[/center][/b] --- Unlike others who were able to use the Mage's Guild, Draza Zorya, Zayn, Zinnarath "Zin" Corsys, Laenaia, and Kasim Ambilus had to go on horseback across the mountains to the north. Though they traveled with the Templar Order, the Rheinfeld Republic took a different path to the same location along the border, near Tempel Des Vaters. Passing near the temple gave the group a small sense of the sheer level of power that the traditionally religious institutes held: It was a temple the size of a small city surrounded with enough defenses to take on a half a dozen besieging armies, decorated in gold and silver though never to a degree that would suggest waste of gaudiness. Many of the Templar Order stopped there, though a few, such as Taigyn and Davian, continued on with them, keeping them safe from wandering bandits and mercenaries hellbent on killing them. As the group finally reached the meeting grounds they saw several rather humble looking tents, stretched out and about over grassy plains with only the occasional tree in sight. It looks like there may have been farms nearby at some point, though they've been abandoned for some time as their fields have been completely overrun with grass and weeds, and livestock have long since left. At the centre of the tents was a single, large tent. By the time they had arrived, it was late in the afternoon, and the guards were changing from afternoon to evening watch. Davian sighs with relief as he dismounts his horse and looks to the Queen's Blades. Bowing his head respecfully, he motions towards the interior of the camp. [b]"Finally, we are here. Out in the middle of nowhere, and quite vulnerable... Impressive, no?"[/b] Taigyn gives him a disparaging look as Davian clears his throat. [b]"What I meant to say is, be careful. The discussions will start shortly I would imagine, and one cannot be too sure."[/b] Looking around the camp, Zayn & Laenaia would quickly notice a few of the Crusaders eying them and looking at their weapons. One in particular had a cloak on that just screamed to them of the assassins back in the Free Holds. Kasim, on the other hand, noticed that and something else. The Crusaders eying their weapons all seemed to put extra effort in keeping a little distance from the main tent, for one reason or another, while the cloaked figure was a woman. He could swear seeing a few of the Republican soldiers behaving in this manner as well, though couldn't confirm it due to them being on the other side of the large, main tent. It seemed that Taigyn and Davian were somewhat uneasy, though for different reasons as they looked in the distance towards an abandoned barn. [b]"Alida is unaccounted for."[/b] Davian says suspiciously as Taigyn narrows his eyes looking at the barn. [b]"We should rectify this. Davian, find her and ensure she is safe."[/b] Davian stares at Taigyn with slight annoyance momentarily before nodding begrudgingly. [b]"Right... Of course, me. The one she threw a dagger at."[/b] Taigyn smiles a little smugly. [b]"Don't say anything and you'll be fine."[/b] Davian leaves without any further protest towards the Republican side of the camp, leaving the party there to decide what to do in the meantime. --- [b][center]Liveria - Heaven's Haven[/center][/b] --- Traveling through the Mage's Guild's networks of halls and corridors proved to be an easy feat with the right guides leading the way. Travel which should have taken hours instead took minutes as they arrived in an outpost near the northern border of Liveria. It was at this point that Crown-Prince Xavier split off from the group, giving a brief hug and wish of good luck to his daughter, he returned to the capital on horseback. Meanwhile, Mira led them to stables where they could pick from a small variety of mounts, and led Elbetrt Westfeld, Rayvon Krayvitch, Andrea Llolth'Allin, Ceann, and Elrithos "Sand Runner" to the northern mountains. Stretching tall and thick, and spreading east to west for hundreds of miles, the geographical wonder of the world held many secrets. Most of which were very deadly and anywhere between hundreds of years to a couple thousand years old. Things such as decaying magical barriers back in the time of the first Renalta that used to keep the predecessor nation to Rheinfeld away from her borders. There was one brief stop as they reached the foothills, human skulls were on sticks with signs written in a mixture of blood and ink. Judging from the looks of it, these were signposts marking territory, for the orcish tribes most likely. [b]"Brazen fools to mark themselves so close to us."[/b] Mila remarks with distaste. Helénē frowned as she peered into the empty eye sockets. [b]"Why are they so brutal..."[/b] Mila shakes her head. [b]"Because they are orcs. They are a brutal race, like many of the savage races."[/b] Helénē seems to bite her tongue, though it was plain she disagreed with the sentiment that their race defined their identity. Gabriel, on the other hand, remained silent, his gold eyes looking across the hills as a slight shudder ran down his spine, though otherwise remained silent, allowing the Liverians to lead the way. Riding further past the sign posts, Elrbetrt could swear she occasionally heard the sounds of feet sliding along rocks, smaller feet, followed with larger ones a little further back, but only one or two steps before their own movement would drown it out. As well, the further they traveled up into the mountains, the more thick the air became with the smell of unbathed, grimy, sometimes even rotting flesh. First Gabriel reacted, suddenly jerking his head in seemingly random directions and attempting to pierce through the stone walls to see what was around them. [b]"I sense evil... But it's too dangerous to fly to check."[/b] Rayvon, then, too, slowly began to notice a general sense of malevolence in the area. It seemed being near Gabriel was amplifying her abilities somewhat. [b]"The orcs?"[/b] Mila replies sharply as her eyes continue to scan the horizon. Gabriel shakes his head. [b]"No. The orcs are savage, but not inherently... Evil. There's... Some inherent wrongness here. Something completely... Twisted. Malformed. Borne straight from the Nine Hells."[/b] Helénē looks between Rayvon and Gabriel with fear in her eyes. [b]"F-From the Nine Hells?"[/b] The flying gecko on her shoulder starts squeaking, then looks up into the sky. Helénē's gaze follows it. There were rain clouds coming in towards them, which had been largely obstructed by mountains. It wouldn't take long before the rain would start. As Mila orders them all to stop in a small clearing, both Ceann and Elrithos would immediately notice some auspiciously placed boulders ahead of them, that didn't form a natural pattern to the others that had fallen in landslides over time. The dirt around them also had recently been disturbed, indicating that some of it had been moved, possible in large quantities. They were only a few dozen feet away from an ambush if they kept going forward. Mila had seemed to notice this too as she brought her hand behind her back and used sign language to signify danger, though only the Drow and Helénē seemed to pick up on it. [b]"What should we do now?"[/b] Helénē whispers, the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a blade. Gabriel looks to Rayvon and nods, likely confirming whatever suspicions she had about this being an ambush. He then rests his hands on thighs, having no apparent weapons on him, though plenty of magic at his disposal. [b]"We wait."[/b] He states as Mila looked back at him with confusion. [b]"We should strike while we have the chance."[/b] She whispers to him, in a hushed tone. [b]"Strike out at unknown numbers with unknown strength when we know something of great evil is near. Unwise. Let them come to us."[/b] Gabriel replies as Mila growls in annoyance and looks back out towards the boulders. --- [b][center]Free Holds - Devil's Children[/center][/b] --- The winding corridors and halls of the Mage's Guild led Aëyr, Abida Qisaf, and Child to their Free Hold outpost in a matter of a couple hours travel. Emerging out into an outpost located just outside of Southblood, they were given heavy cloaks and lead by Mikan into Southblood. It wasn't hard to get them inside, there seemed to be a hundred ways to slip inside undetected and the guards seemed unwary of any potential threats. What greeted them were the sights and sounds of hundreds of thousands of people, choking the city streets as caravans entered and left with near nonstop regularity. All around them crimes were happening nearly nonstop, small, petty ones. At one point, Child even noticed a thief stealing a purse, only to have his purse taken by another thief as he fled from his victim. Abida Qisaf's unnatural vision would be utterly drowned in the sheer number of illusions that others wore. All sorts of magic ranging from cheap and weak to subtle and ingenious was used. She was fairly sure, even, that there were some who were likely evading her eyes, given the overwhelming feeling she felt from her tattoos at all times that there was something watching them. Deeper inside the town, Mikan leads them to the entrance of the Keep. It was dusk at this point, and inside it seemed a ball was about to be thrown as guests were starting to arrive. However, they all knew what it was really for: A slave auction. A regular occurrence wherein the 'best goods' were sold in a celebratory party. Usually attractive women, foreign fighters, brutish thugs of the oversized variety--all meat and no bones, as some put it. Mikan then looks to the trio and motions them in close, a large grin on her face as she pulls them into a huddle within the large crowd. [b]"Ookay! Here's the options we got."[/b] She looks around, noticing that some of the slavers were eying her. She was attractive, despite her brown cloak, her curves and slender frame showed through. Leaning over to huddle with the group even slightly wasn't helping either. Wrinkling her nose in disgust, she turns back to the group and whispers to them. [b]"Alright. So. We have three ways in. We can pretend to be slaves for sale. We'll be led in a back way by Fahim, who will pose as a seller. We then assassinate the guards leading us to the cages, and from there, either make a beeline for the ball room and kill Deimos while he sits in his chair, or wait and ambush him when he returns to his quarters, likely with his [i]prize[/i] for the night."[/b] A man then approaches them, bumping into Mikan he drops a note for her. Kneeling down to pick it up, it was written in common, clear for them all to read. [i]"You are clear. Nobody is listening. I'll bump you again if someone is. --Fahim."[/i] Giggling childishly, Mikan then goes back to what she was saying to them, still in a hushed tone. [b]"I wish he did that earlier. Anyway, the second option is we walk in, only I will be the only pseudo slave. A common practice by hold owners is to hold a... 'Dancing' competition, of sorts, where owners attempt to have their slaves woo over the ruler of the hold. You would all be my 'team', your goal of course being to ruin the other dancer's performances subtly, to support my dance and attempt to get attention on it, and to stop others from disrupting me. I easily have the... [i]Persuasive[/i] ability to win over Deimos, unlike most slaves who are forced to do such things, I [i]enjoy[/i] it and know how to do it well. If he picks me then we will be guided to his quarters, you all serving as my guards in case he wants to buy me. The moment his back is turned, he dies quietly in his own quarters. This is the most surefire way to do it safely and silently... It's also the most [i]fun[/i]."[/b] Again, she giggles, looking around to make sure nobody was listening, she adds the last of the three options. [b]"The last option is that we head back to a tavern rented out by Fahim. He has a whole group of Rashad's most loyal men. Again, we sneak into the ballroom with me being a pseudo slave for Fahim to give us cover, only this time they would serve as bait, starting a large fight in the ball room. This would allow us to try and get close to Deimos and kill him before he knew we were threats to him, though finding his succubi second in command afterwards would be hardest with this option, this is most definitely the fastest way to do it."[/b] She looks them all over and smiles a little. [b]"It's your choice."[/b] --- [b][center]Amazons - The Greatest Hunt[/center][/b] --- Traveling with the Imperium group through the Mage's Guild's magical network of hallways and corridors, Maeven Lucre, Naream Baenre, Alicia, Russel, and Esyllt Boudica, also arrived at the same, small Mage's Guild outpost in the Imperium. However they then immediately got on horseback, and began to ride north through the Imperium. Within hours they arrived in the Amazonian Jungle, and with Princess Ethlinn leading the way with her Amazons, what would have likely taken them several days instead took them a mere hour or so to reach the closest Amazonian village. Much of it was built up in the extremely thick canopy, as the trees were several feet large it was entirely possible for some of them to be hollowed out and lived in. There were also small buildings and tents, cleverly disguised amongst the shrubbery and making the village look more like a campsite than a place where hundreds of people lived. Soon enough it became apparent that this society was more lax on its personal behaviours than the others. Women and men alike wore openly provocative clothing, though part of it was simply being practical for the absurd heat it was obviously designed to induce other kinds of heat. Even Ethlinn seemed to dislike wearing her drake scale armour, constantly readjusting it and sighing with dismay every time an Amazon walked past wearing something she liked. Yet, it wasn't quite what the Free Hold's adult literature industry would have everyone believe it to be: Many of the female Amazons had battle scars, ranging from minor to utterly deformed, even some of the men had scars, though they were smaller in stature, likely due to not drinking from the river of blood like the Amazons do. Still, none of them tried to hide their blemishes, in fact, many seemed to wear them with pride. Depending on the view this society was either alarmingly progressive or disturbingly sexualized. Queen Alexandria followed them, also wearing relatively heavy armour and keeping her vision straight and narrow. Hanging gently from her neck was a small pendant with a blue gem encrusted in it, and on her gloved hand was a silver ring. Both of these things she glanced at every time an Amazon looked her way and did anything more than simply smile politely, which was fairly consistently. Maeven would notice the tension in the air wherever Princess Ethlinn went. People seemed to look at her with an air of uncertainty. Despite her youth and status, more people were even paying flirtatious looks towards Alexandria or herself, which seemed odd, surely they would be more attracted to their own kind, though she couldn't be sure. Alicia didn't notice anything really out of the ordinary beyond how shiny her blade seemed in such a humid environment. Neat! Finally being lead inside of a rather large and old tree, an elderly woman welcomed them inside, though confusion was plain on her face as Princess Ethlinn stared at her. Clearing her throat nervously, she still manages to speak in a steady tone. [b]"These are my... New partners... In finding and quelling the beast. I take it... You have acquired the things I have asked. Narina?"[/b] The old woman shuffles her way to a small chest and opens it, motioning her wrinkled hand towards the contents. [b]"All here, my dear."[/b] She croaks out as Ethlinn smiles warmly. [b]"Age is treating you well."[/b] Narina chuckles. [b]"Not many Amazons can brag about living to be forty five you know! I think I have beaten our village's record!"[/b] Alexandria seemed a little taken aback by the short lifespans, but otherwise remained silent, waiting for Ethlinn to simply get on with her plan. And Ethlinn almost seemed to sense that as she turned and looked Alexandria eye to eye for a moment flirtatiously before turning her attention to the Queen's Blades, though she seemed to admire each of them as well, for differing reasons. [b]"The beast we are hunting is a malformed drake. Drakes are already heavily armoured, potent creatures. My armour is made out of their scales, and is able to withstand a Free Holder's heaviest crossbow at all but point blank range."[/b] She pats her shoulder plates and smiles, her eyes drifting to Alexandria's armour. [b]"They're also light and easy to slip off, just in case of emergencies."[/b] Alexandria shakes her head and brings one of her gloved hands up, blatantly showing off her ring. Ethlinn sighs and continues speaking. [b]"They are able to spit acid short distances though they always bring their head up to gargle their acid first, giving you a chance to attack their throats if you're close enough. They are powerful enough to destroy small trees, though this one can blatantly charge through... Well... Anything, so don't count on cover keeping you safe. They're a little slow at turning, but have great forward momentum. Do not be in its way or it will catch you and it will rip you apart."[/b] She hesitates for a moment, seeming to cringe at a memory that mentioning its abilities conjured. [b]"I do, however, have a plan."[/b] Quickly breaking her gaze away from some of the more attractive members of the group she walks over to the chest and pulls out several lengths of very thick, very tough looking vines. [b]"These are enchanted to withstand nearly anything."[/b] She then displays the tips on the vines. They were coated in a small, green liquid. [b]"This is a sleeping poison. If we can jam enough of these into its hide, we can slow it down and eventually knock it out, then tie it down. Then your... Mages... Can come and get it, if they so wish to have it [i]alive[/i]."[/b] Standing up, she motions to small hooks on each of the vines. [b]"We can attach these to your strange ranged weapons. The vines are sturdy enough that they won't be damaged, even by your... Your... Loud, sticks."[/b] She motions to Maeven's gun, then looks at Alexandria again and smiles as she walks back to stand close to the group once again, a little extra predatory sway to each step, though she kept enough distance to accommodate their personal comforts. [b]"There is, however, one problem... There is a succubi somewhere in our village. If we don't kill it, it'll run off to go help its larger friend, making a difficult battle nearly impossible to accomplish without further casualties... We should find this... Creature, and kill it. And I have just the thing... We've narrowed it down to just a few suspects. We've put these suspects into training duels. If we enter, you Queen's Blades could easily find this creature, it would want to take its chance attempting to poison one of you, as we're sure it would consider its own life worth sacrificing to weaken us since it will merely return to the nine hells if we slay it."[/b] The corners of her lips curl up into a hungry grin. [b]"We catch it, we put it down, then we head out into the jungle and we take down its oversized pet... Does anyone have any questions?"[/b] She asks the group as she returns the vines to the chest momentarily.