[quote=Komamisa] Also, hello, Impy! Glad I didn't get your gender wrong, haha~ I'm slowly hammering away and polishing Aoife (EE-fa. She finally has a name, and a damn Irish one at that!). Turns out, Ren may or may not love or hate her. [/quote] Heh, I like it! Ren's birth name is "Dehnr", kind of pseudo-German. And, hopefully it's a mix of both! [quote=Zombehs] Psh, weapons are cool. Having more exponentially increases the cool. It's a Y chromosome thing. [/quote] Coolness depends on context, I think. [i]Fictional[/i] weapons are generally cool, even in the hands of the villains, but in-universe/real life weapons? Not quite. They're useful, if you want somebody dead, but if [i]you[/i] have a weapon, it means other people have weapons as well... And other people are not to be trusted. To Ren, at least, weapons are decidedly uncool.