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Metronome said
It works just fine if you take the last few lines outthe ones about mind reading hooblahI don't like mind reading hooblah
Merman said
Fuck, me and Metros post contradict. Not gonna lie, some of yall are postin too frequently..(Metro...hint hint) LOL Give some us other folks a chance to post so our post dont end up conflicting. And I wasn't planning on spoiling anything, but..since my post came first, maybe u can tweak urs so it fits. And then...add ur big surprise thingy.
TheCheshire said
Lol.WOAH! That escalated quickly.But if every person ever born is a Blessed One humans would die out.The Blessed Ones are humans too, they just have certain anomalies like mutants from the X-Men. They're just that, they're mutants. Blessed Ones is just what they're called. Like again, the X-Men. Lol.The Blessed Ones are actually 1/5 births. And let's Hold off on any babies for right now.We're too new into the roleplay. A baby would make action very hard.We'd be limiting characters to baby Sitting duties.
Kaiden said
Good idea. I also was thinking how long it would take to incorporate a birth. @_@And then I remembered Shay's infected and I don't know how that would work either.
OoTrillionoO said
WAIT! HOLD UP! Hear me out. Pregnancy inducing zombies. Hmm?
Luminance said
What like an Alien baby where it claws out of the hosts womb and through the stomach muscle and skin like 'Roawrscreech!'
TheCheshire said
This is what happen's when you have sex.You get pregnant and die.