[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Phillis Circus: Big Top[/u][/b] "I guess we're not allowed in until the show is starting," Aria remarked with a huff, crossing her arms as she nodded to the sign posted at the entrance to the Big Top clearly marking how only [i]Employees and Staff only[/i] were permitted. "Do you think we should try and sneak in? It wouldn't be very fun if we got caught, though." “I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this,” Estelle said with a mischievous wink, spinning the side onto its plain blank white side, and striding forth to carefully begin walking inside. “If we’re careful, we might be able to sneak about without anyone seeing us. Also… actually… I just had a great idea…” Aria’s eyes lit up with understanding, and her lips curled into a sly smile. The idea was sound, and she was glad that Estelle also thought of it. With a flicker of magic and concentration, the familiar forms of Estelle and Aria vanished as a trail of magic drifted from their heads down to their feet, transforming their clothing and appearance from the two Guilders into two, comically hilarious clowns. This should help make their infiltration of the Big Top a little bit easier, at the least. “Nicely done, Ari!” Estelle said with a clap. “I trust I can count on you to make an illusion of me juggling, if we need to. Because I don’t… juggle.” Suddenly, a large muffled crash came from somewhere near the back of the tent, something that both the illusionist and swordswoman nearly missed because of the noise coming from the crowds around them. "Did you hear that?” Aria flicked an eyebrow up towards Estelle. “I wonder if they're rehearsing in the tent right now?" “Sounds like it,” Estelle replied. “Let’s go take a look!” She set off with a quickened pace, hurrying towards the sounds of the peculiar noise. As far as clues went, it was a good first start. Their footsteps scurried throughout the big top, and Estelle’s eyes darted from left to right, partially to look out for any other passing circus performers (whilst their clown makeup helped to cover up their facial features nicely, it could still be possible for regular performers to identify them as not being familiar members…), but mostly to gawp at the healthy, vibrant display of colours around them, from the rainbow hued streamers and seats, the other lavishly painted and decorated interior pieces of the mammoth tent. This really was quite something. Estelle was interested in what the circus’ main performance would actually look like. Hopefully they could solve this mission peacefully [i]and[/i] watch the performance as well? “Hmm…” Estelle’s feet screeched to a halt, her head shooting from side to side, her ears twitching as she tried to locate the source of any other strange sound. The area was rather barren as far as Estelle could see… there were props and other pieces of equipment in mid preparation around them, but nobody along with them. Aria jogged to a stop beside her. “This was where the sound came from, wasn’t it?” Estelle murmured. “I don’t see anything…”