Antoine nearly cut his tongue on his teeth, biting back laughter that would only serve to scare the poor lady more. Part of him urged to look for a retreat, himself, the part that took stock of each woman who crossed his gaze and judged who might be worth the time to pursue. Nervous ramblings tended to raise more red flags than green ones, the sympathy and desire to comfort raised by such acts usually falling to tears in the end. Part of her seemed eager to simply walk away, to escape the hole she was excavating by any means possible. That part of him saw it as an opportunity to do the same, to let her escape and in turn find freedom himself. But that part of him was fought by the part who felt that, if nothing more, Ms. Albright was a woman he would run into often, and should have a good impression of him. And both of [i]those[/i] parts, were swiftly being drowned out by the desire to devolve into unabashed hysterics at the comment she made- either from nervous naiveté or as a frighteningly cunning lure. Either way, those words couldn't help but bring a smile to Antoine's lips. He often found himself distracted in the face of a 'fine piece of tail', as well. It'd be wrong to fault someone else for the same. "Well, I'm in a listening mood. So we can get that antiseptic and say you're a lady who loves to entertain her patients, animal or otherwise. What do you think?" Part of him wanted to pat her on the shoulder, but he wasn't sure he could stop himself from following the act up with a 'there there, it's all right'. So he settled for the warm smile and a simple gesture to continue -walking or talking or both, whichever she might take from it. The gesture was comfortable, so easy to make he had to do it a second time. "And as for the bar? Well I've always found drinks to taste better when you're happy or celebrating. Those are the best times to break regulation as well, so if you find your self in a particularly wonderful mood..." Gesturing a third time just to savor the sensation again, he leaned forward as if sharing some dire secret. "I can show you a place some might cal a bar."